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Very Much Calm and at Peace
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   twitch. "Very Much Calm and at Peace: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp73640)". May 28, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash
  T+ 0:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:15 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:40 1 cup oral Tea
BODY WEIGHT: 11.5 st
An Interesting Experience

This was my first encounter with what was supposedly ecstasy. It was stamped with a 'rocket', and around here (Ireland) a few of my friends had said that they were kept up till 8 the next morning after taking these. Possibly a speedy buzz involved here.

Dosage: 1 pill, pressed with a rocket logo. The pill was split in half. 3 joints of hash.

T-30: Had a small joint of hash.
T+00. Just had dinner and heading out to a mates house. I broke the pill in two and eat one half, and rolled a nice joint of hash.
T+30: Not much happening. I called my friend 'J' but he was out, so I went home and listened to some music. I could feel a bit off borderline here.

T+75: Just ate the other half of the pill. Hoping for more feel than I already had felt. I called J again, and we met at his house.
T+100: Ok, there's something. A bit of a twinge, a light-headed feel crept in and out of feeling. I was feeling very content. I had a cup of tea
T+130: Just after buying a pack of cigarettes, and myself and J went down towards a river not far away. I rolled a joint there, and when we finished, we listened to some Eric Claptop.

T+150: Definitely feeling something extra. I'm feeling rather chatty and pleasant around strangers.
I'm feeling rather chatty and pleasant around strangers.
After leaving the bridge at the river, we walked up towards the shops and bumped into two girls who had lost a half ounce of hash. We stayed to try find it, but no joy. I've never talked to the girls, or their friends, but I'm getting along better than I would perhaps while sober.

T+200: I felt bad for the two girls who'd lost 50 euro worth of hash after taking only 3 joints from it, so I rolled a joint and we all had a few blows.
T+230: I went home, and I'm feeling 'up'. My parents have always been strict on smoking, but I felt confident that nothing would be said if there was a smell of hash.

T+260: I started some homework now. It's approximately half ten at night. I wrote up a few paragraphs for my English comparative homework, and then did some maths and talked to people on MSN.

T+300: The (short lived) fun began here. I was putting songs onto an iPod when suddenly I was hit with wave after wave of good vibes. These were akin to the 'light-headed' feeling I described earlier, but a tad more euphoric. Each time I felt it, I was in bliss. I also noticed a very fluffy feel 'inside' my head. I'm liking it so far. I was listening to some Children of Bodom and although any thought of the band usually brought up memories of my ex (she was a fanatic), but I felt very much happy listening to the music. I noticed more of the guitar melodies, and realized it was more engaging and revealing under this pill's influence.

T+400: The effects have practically worn off now. It's 1:18AM and it's a school night. I'm rather wake, and as I type this I don't want to have to go to bed. I feel a tad giddy, and my head feels like the top left is numb. Rather odd, but hey. I'm staring at a laptop screen (as I write obviously) and I notice faint patterns waving and pouring and dissipate around the screen. My windows open, and it's freezing, but the cold isn't noticable really.

It was a good buzz, but I definitely want to try it without cannabis to have the pill-exclusive experience. I intend on doing this again. The pills cost 4 euro a piece.

Although I did enjoy this experience (I am very much new to stimulants. The only stimulant I've had before was a line of coke about an inch long and I felt nothing from it), I feel a tad disappointed. I guess it's the media propagandising drugs and representing them as evil things that caused me to expect very powerful effects. I also had expectations that due to the speedy buzz I may become aggressive, but I was very much calm and at peace while under its influence. I had hoped for a powerful buzz, with a drive to get moving, dance etc, but that again was down to the media's portrayal of drugs.

It's an interesting drug, and can make for some fun. I was looking for something different (two months of daily hash/weed usage had me bored) so I decided to give the ecstacy a go. And, I gauged the strength of pills by taking half. The drug is as safe as the person using it.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73640
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 28, 2020Views: 753
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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