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A Love/Hate Relationship
by Wyno
Citation:   Wyno. "A Love/Hate Relationship: An Experience with Cocaine (exp73744)". Feb 15, 2011.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
First time I ever tried cocaine I expected to feel so out of it and psychedelic. Nothing of the sorts, I was like shit this sucks. Then when I'd do the next line I'm like ok, getting better and so on.

I have been doing cocaine for approx 5 years on/off, the first 4 years being not all the time, the last year almost every day depending on if I had money. I feel it has ruined a lot of my friendships, and if my family ever found out they probably wouldn’t believe it/would be very upset.

I wouldn’t say coke is physically addicting it is mainly mental. Once I convince myself, 'ok I am doing it tonight' I won’t stop till I do, and when I done it the coming off sucks so I try to get more etc. I love the gummies, and the taste of the drip when it goes down. I hate how expensive it is. I love breaking the lines up. I hate lying to people and telling them I stopped. It is a love/hate relationship, that I do not see ending anytime soon.

Well I would have written better but I bought 2 grams tonight and I am almost done, so the first few lines I would have had more energy.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73744
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2011Views: 1,794
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Cocaine (13) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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