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Father's Birthday Journey
Cacti - T. pachanoi
by Sil
Citation:   Sil. "Father's Birthday Journey: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp74054)". May 14, 2018.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
Earlier this year my father and I decided to have our first experience with mescaline. We had never tried a psychedelic, and I thought it would be a good idea to do it on my dad's 55th birthday.

We have started a tradition where we have a big bonfire with music and drumming. This time I set up a beautiful setting deep in the forest behind his house with a fire. My dad found what he determined was an ancient Native American medicine wheel under some moss. I put on an MP3 mix CD of some Celtic, Norse and Tradition music from the Andes - with some other stuff thrown in too. The rest of my immediate family was there as well.

Earlier that day I had cooked the San Pedro tea. The setting was perfect and my dad and I took our doses at around 7pm (unfortunately in retrospect, a little late). The setting was already unreal - so I felt like I had already taken something.

About an hour later, my dad began acting slightly silly. I felt very sober, but light. He started dancing to the music around the fire and mouthing the words to unknown languages (this was caught on film). The full effect was not even near. A slight numbness was setting in. I have a brain malformation (I have since then undergone 2 brain surgeries) so I was uncertain what was causing it.

Two hours later I felt really great. I felt free of pain that I normally feel, and also energetic. My dad was beaming. We were both very calm. He went inside and played the organ and I stood outside in the twilight and stared at the trees. Nobody filmed anymore, thankfully, because originally I thought maybe it was something that should be recorded, but now I realize it was too internal. I felt something indescribable toward the trees. They are these very old, very tall trees. They suddenly appeared to me as if I had never seen them before.

My dad and I walked around outside for a long time, admiring the landscape. We agreed it were as if we had never seen it before - as if we were visitors. It was very beautiful. The trees seemed so huge and majestic to me.

My husband, who had been concerned about the mescaline (what with my brain malformation and all) asked me how I was doing and I had to assure him that I had never felt more like myself in my life. I felt like I was really “myself” and I was more real then before. I was in my element, although it’s difficult to describe. He told me that my pupils were extremely large and that he couldn’t see my irises. My sister expressed concern as well, but I felt so calm that I couldn’t be bothered. My dad felt very happy and peaceful, and we sat down in the living room and discussed some meaningful things. My dad admitted for the first time to everyone that he had a problem with alcohol and he was not upset at all, but very calm. He was very open and new. He has maintained ever since that he has a problem and stopped drinking for months afterword.

Later, after I had gone home, my dad had a mystical experience that can’t be described. It had something to do with seeing a formation in the stars. He was very excited. He described it very well, and still understands it to this day, but I’m afraid I’m I don’t understand it very well.

In conclusion, I would say that San Pedro is a very gentle and beautiful plant. Even I, with my neurological problems had a wonderful experience.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74054
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2018Views: 986
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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