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Sacred Weeds
Blue Lily
by T
Citation:   T. "Sacred Weeds: An Experience with Blue Lily (exp74232)". Nov 10, 2022.

1 bowl smoked Blue Lily (extract)
My previous experiences include Marijuana, Percocet, Salvia 5x, Magic Mushrooms, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Amanita Muscaria, and Kanna. I am a 24 year old man and have never really do any drugs besides marijuana since this year. Well earlier this year I gave up smoking marijuana forever. It gave me all the wisdom it could I figured. So afterward I began to try other things to better understand myself and the Universe.

I first heard about Blue Lily or Blue Lotus in a Channel 4 TV special from 1997 called Sacred Weeds. I decided to try all of the drugs described in the special except Henbane (it seemed too toxic). The four part special included Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, Salvia, Henbane, and Blue Lily. After trying the first two I moved on to the last. I got a pretty good price online for some 15x Blue Lily. Then on an early October midnight I smoked the ancient potion.

12:34AM - I begin to smoke 1 bowl of 15x Blue Lily out of a little bong. I didn't know the dosage really so I filled a pretty big bowl. Even with just the 1 bowl I was able to get 9 hits out of it. So I would say do a small bowl if you're trying it. It has quite a bit to burn in small quantities. The extract had a texture like little grains of sand, but colored black. When burned all of them kind of cling together and make one solid mass which I had to break a few times to burn the center of it.
The extract had a texture like little grains of sand, but colored black. When burned all of them kind of cling together and make one solid mass which I had to break a few times to burn the center of it.

12:40 - I smoke the last hit of the bowl.

12:45 - I feel a slight sensation almost exactly like that of a marijuana high creeping up. Feels very nice and gentle.

12:51 - I note on my notepad that the high feels 9/10th just like a marijuana high. Its very similar. However some differences, motor skills do not seem to be impaired. I do not think speaking would be impaired (though I didn't talk to anyone while on it). Visually it looks almost the same as a marijuana high and feels the same really.

12:58 to 1:22 - I keep writing that it feels just like marijuana over and over in my notes. Didn't realize how many times I wrote it.

1:37 - Slight time dilation (nothing on the order of magic mushrooms) but still noticeable. It feels like more time has passed since my last entry at 1:22. More like 25 minutes instead of 15. It feels absolutely amazing. I start to look at porn. Sexual arousal seems slightly higher.

1:51 - Don't want to be too graphic but my penis became more sensitive to the touch. Still looking at porn. Everything feels wonderful.

2:16 - Peak of trip was sometime between this entry and last. I do still very much feel the effects but at about 4/5ths the strength at 1:51AM.

2:40 - I orgasm. It felt like I had much more control over it and ability to postpone it sort of for a few seconds. I was able to 'keep going' longer than usual as well.

2:48 - Still feeling the effects probably 75% of peak high. Still feel great.

2:51 - I take a shower.

3AM - Effects have diminished to about 50 to 60% of peak now. Or in marijuana high terms, about 40% of a marijuana high.

3:11 - Still feel great, some lung discomfort setting in (like when I used to smoke marijuana) and dry mouth. I feel hungry. I don't really notice the effects still there that much until I close my eyes then I can really feel it still persisting. Probably 25% compared to peak.

3:17 - I begin yawning and feel very tired, but this is an hour past my bedtime so I'm not sure if that's the drug or natural. I begin to play a videogame a while.

4:04 - No noticeable effects. Last very minor effects were felt sometime just before 3:30AM. Very tired. Sore throat. I eat some cookies and milk then go to sleep.

Overall the experience was very pleasing. It is a great legal alternative to Marijuana despite costing a little more. I will definitely be doing this stuff again.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74232
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 10, 2022Views: 870
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