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And Withdrawal Symptoms Get Worse
Kratom (Bali)
Citation:   Claire. "And Withdrawal Symptoms Get Worse: An Experience with Kratom (Bali) (exp74296)". Mar 24, 2018.

  repeated oral Kratom (tea)
The Whole Kratom Experiance

I started using kratom probably around 2 years ago in 2006. It started off with very light use which has increased over the 2 year period.

I now use 20 - 25 gram of Bali Kratom and find it gives a sedative effect after about an hour and lasts for a few hours. But 2 years ago was only using 10 - 15 grams to obtain the same effects so my tolerance did increase and there are withdrawal effects that I have experianced myself. I want to highlight the dangers as I think there are many people who want to keep this plant legal and therefore do not want to tell people truthfully how dangerous this plant can be.

As I have stated I began using 10 - 15 grams of Kratom Bali once a week making tea with it and chose not to worry about the warnings that I had read on various internet sites telling me to use it occasionally and it could be a habit hard to break if used regularly. I started using it more and more and when I decided to take a break found myself experiancing cravings and withdrawal symptoms like goose bumps over my skin, cold like symptoms and an aching body. I made a decision at that time that Kratom was obviously not a plant to play with and I wanted not to touch it again but have not been able to stick to my decision and have found myself keep going back to using it again and again.

As time goes by the more I use this plant increases and withdrawal symptoms get worse as the grams I use to make the tea goes up. It is not pleasant as I feel addicted to this plant.

If you are going to use it be very very careful and do not get into a habit of using it regularly.

Exp Year: 2006-2008ExpID: 74296
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2018Views: 1,838
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Hangover / Days After (46), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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