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2 Years With the Wonder Drug
Citation:   Bosshallucy. "2 Years With the Wonder Drug: An Experience with Kratom (exp74472)". Feb 9, 2010.

  repeated   Kratom
A little background on myself and drug history b4 we get started. I have had experience with essentially all the common street drugs excluding crack and heroin, favoring high grade marijuana and psychedelics. Kratom was a drug that I decided to try out of boredom really. I have gradually tried to experiement with all of the 'legal highs' ever since I first tried salvia and discovered there was such a thing.

My motivation for this report is to shed some light on kratoms positive qualities as many of the reports I had initially read prior to trying kratom myself were negative and made it sound like heroin, with all the tales of addiction and withdrawls. I have found that kratom may be that perfect high that can relieve the stress of the day while not negatively affecting my productivity or quality of life.

I have used kratom in both the powdered extract and dried leaf form. I first preferred the extracts simply for the lack of effort or time required to get to the point, however, after trying a 'premium' dried leaf product changed my mind. The leaf is boiled for a minimum 30 mins and drank. It is somewhat bitter but I have grown to like it. The tea also has a numbing quality to the tongue. I have experiemented with sweetenting the tea or adding different flavors, even chammomile, but nothing covers the bitterness and it actually just makes it taste nasty.

Typical use for me will be in the late evenings. I have found that the kratom buzz eases all the stress of the day for me. Marijuana has a tendency to increase anxiety at times when a person is under extreme stress, kratom always eases my mind. The great thing about kratom is that it also energizes the body without causing any jittery, caffiene like buzz. When I take kratom before I exercise it works great. I find that it allows me to zone out into my workout and go for a longer period of time. If I just want to zone out and relax it works great for that as well. In high doses a very itchy. opiate like, body buzz is felt. I enjoy taking it and zoning out while laying in bed. It would be great for meditation as I have found myself in many waking dreams after using large quantities.

There is another great use I have found for kratom that I haven't heard many speak of....using kratom to come down off of coke, mdma, lsd, etc. Kratom, for me, has been the perfect drug to use to ease a comedown. It is strong enough to overpower the effect of most other drugs if I take enough. No more laying in bed wishing I could just shut my mind off. Kratom eases my internal dialogue and allows me to rest (even if I don't sleep!)

In summary I have found kratom to be a wonder drug with no real side affects. I have been using it for almost 2 years on and off and have been able to quit whenever I want for as long as I want. Now I don't think I WANT to. Why? It keeps me from seeking out other highs with more side affects. One last thing to note, I recently had some vicodin (60mg in 7 hours, a very high dose) and found the high much less desireable.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 74472
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2010Views: 30,564
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Kratom (203) : Not Applicable (38), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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