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Things Really Started to Get Weird
Citation:   QsTheName. "Things Really Started to Get Weird: An Experience with DXM (exp74847)". Sep 20, 2016.

T+ 0:00
354 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 177 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 354 mg oral DXM (liquid)
First off, let me say that I am writing this report because most of the others I have seen are wholly inaccurate relative to what I experienced, to the point that I think many details are fabricated. It's not half as visual as many have described it. Perhaps that's a difference in dosage to body-weight ratio, but regardless, I feel that I should provide a description for those who have similar attributes and a similar plan to mine.

The only background information needed (since it's obviously not what you're here to read) is that this was my second attempt, but first experience dosed heavy enough to actually 'trip,' and that I had no previous experience with hallucinogens.

Once safe at a good friend's house (which I strongly recommend being in a safe place - you'll need it), we each ingested a 4 oz/118mL bottle cough syrup (15 mg of DXM per 5 mL teaspoon, for a total of about 354 mg per bottle) last night around 8:00 p.m.. Initially, there were little to no effects beyond feeling slightly drunk and possibly like I had taken a hit of marijuana. We each split a third bottle after about an hour, hoping to bring on something tangible, but it just slightly intensified the drunkenness.

After yet another hour, I decided that we needed to run out just to get two more bottles; because if I didn't do it right this time, I'd never do it again. He agreed, and we each picked up a bottle of a similar product with the same amount of DXM as that aforementioned. I downed mine close to his place, and he worked on his once we returned (he had been experiencing nausea previous to this venture). [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
The first strange effect I noticed is that my head was itching almost uncontrollably. This would lead to a spread of the itch all over my upper body, and my back breaking out in a massive hive. Apparently, I am allergic. However, my friend had no such effect, and we had a very similar experience, so the reaction didn’t taint the high itself, although I won’t be using DXM very frequently if at all because of it.

After I came to terms with the itch (approximately another hour after the last bottle, or around 12 a.m.), things really started to get weird. My mind went first – first very worried about the reaction and that my throat would swell shut and I would die (and particularly how strangely easy it would be to do so), but this was quickly thwarted by reassuring thoughts and words. I thought about how massive the universe was, and how insignificant I was in comparison. I thought about how absolutely insane it was that I was living on my own away from my parents (I’m a freshman in college). I also thought about how strange it was that I was with my girlfriend of over a year, and how incompatible she seems with a guy like me.

The effects seemed to intensify further beyond merely my mentality when I got up and moved around, which I could only do in very slow, exaggerated movements (much like a robot, which I believe the term “Robo-Trip” partially owes its name). My vision became distorted as my eyes glued themselves wide open, and every way I looked seemed to catch up to my eyeballs slowly in frames or blurs of color. As we watched South Park, Chocolate News, and the movie Dead Man On Campus, the TV seemed very pointy and sinister at times. My jaw chattered almost incessantly. My limbs were heavy, and I felt as if I was sinking into whatever I sat on. However, my hands were abnormally dexterous. I could “rave dance” with them, type, and text with much ease. At this discovery, we sat down at the computer and watched the “Natural Hallucinogen” video on YouTube (which is VERY trippy even without the aid of substances) as well as a soccer juggling video. Both were just astounding to observe, and the background music was entrancing.

We made our way around the kitchen and back to the living room, eyes wide as if struck by terror and babbling much nonsense, and sank back into our respective couches. There, we conversed about the intricacies of life. I called a couple of friends (who had been drinking alcohol) and discovered that while one was very benevolent and pleasing to talk to, the other (who tried to toy with me when he discovered the state I was in) was quite malicious, and I quickly hung up. After this, and while relaxing music was playing on the television, we closed our eyes and discovered the strange visions that awaited there.

Now, if you’ll recall, I said that DXM was not very visual, aside from distortions. This does not apply to the mental images projected on the inside of my eyelids in the least. First, I saw a vast sprawling jungle beneath me, into which I plunged from great heights head-first, until I could admire each shining leaf. Next, I remember seeing two giant stone credit cards closing in on me, from which I knew I must escape. After this, and probably the last image I can recall accurately, I saw a sort of doll made in the image of a king with a long beard and a staff plunging through many layers of basket-weave, as if they were floors in a building, on his back with a serene face (which was the focal point) and arms crossed as if in death, until he plunged into a black abyss. This vision then repeated similarly, but this time with a doll of the Virgin Mary.

After more visions, which I cannot recall, we agreed that it was time to go to bed. I was disappointed because I had wanted to listen to music in my car before we had begun, but I was too afraid of carbon monoxide poisoning. We both decided to camp out in the living room to keep an eye on each other in case something went wrong. However, my friend fell asleep and began to snore like I have never heard anyone snore. It sounded like a monster, but surprisingly, I wasn’t scared – I just recorded it on my phone, because I knew I could laugh about it later. Then, I went upstairs to the guest room, and after admiring my terror-stricken face, fell fast asleep in the bed.

There were no disturbances during the night, so I slept very soundly and awoke at 10 a.m. to my phone alarm. I still felt slightly physically disoriented, but I had class at 12 p.m., so I got in my car and drove back to campus. The only remnants of the experience were my chattering jaw, some red marks on my back from scratching the hive, and that mild sense of disorientation. There was no enlightened feeling as previous reports had led me to believe, but there was also no hangover.

I am writing this only 12 hours after the peak of my trip. It was a very fulfilling experience.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74847
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 20, 2016Views: 2,966
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DXM (22) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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