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Experimentation in Absolute Confidence
by *g*
Citation:   *g*. "Experimentation in Absolute Confidence: An Experience with LSD (exp7489)". Jun 19, 2003.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This experience was not exactly life-changing, or interesting in and of itself; that is not why I'm choosing to share it. However, it has left years of self 'experimentation' finally concluded, and I feel these results are VERY interesting and ought to be shared with others.

Some background that I feel important, is that at the time of this trip I was 19 years old. I had been avidly using LSD for over 4 years; and for 2-3 years had been frequently using [or at least experienced several times] Cubensis Mushrooms, MDMA, MDA, Ketamine, Cocaine, Crystal Meth, Nitrous, DXM, Opium, 5-MeO-DMT, 2ct7, Marijuana, Amanitas, Salvia, and Alcohol; using something approximately 4 to 7 days a week.

Almost three years prior to this event, I had taken approximately 9-12 geltabs [windowpane] of LSD that were evaluated to be of potency of 400-500+ ug [3600 - 6000 ug]. This experience truly started my 'experimentations.' I within 5 minutes lost most sensory function, within 10 lost Complete function, and suffered 4-6 hours of complete blackout. Approximately three days later, I returned to 'baseline' [hallucinations greatly halted.] I experienced panic, confusion, and delerium until about that point, and had extremely noticeable psychosis for 2 weeks; trailing for 6 months more at least. This caused me to swear off the chemical for about 16 months.

Upon returning to it, I was determined to gain absolute mental control. Functioning after the 'bad trip', I learned that I could eventually overcome all of my panic, and my fears, and my emotional afterburns if I came to understand them. I focused constantly on having complete control over my feelings, and emotions. Beginning my 'experimentations', I would take LSD (or other substances) and during the experience force complete control on myself. With more and more practicing, (for months and months I would trip once, or twice a week. Initially on 5-10 hits, boosting throughout a night every half hour to 2 hours with an average amount of 5) I reached the point where I felt no matter how much I would take, barring taking extreme amounts to begin a trip (fearing delerium), there was no point at which complete control could be lost. However, I figured my experimentation would never end; as I did not have the nerve to test myself on any great amount.

Fast forward to event; in the said night I had realized through great talks with people that I was going to begin toning down all of my drug usage. I had been smoking extremely high grade Crystal Meth for 8 days prior, sleeping only 2 times during this. I also decided, that I was going to get my life on track, and stop selling drugs. I was extremely happy that things had shifted, and I felt that it was time for my life to move on. However (maybe a sign?), on the way home from this night; a cop pulled over the car I was in. Keeping good to my word, I ate everything I was holding at the time (other people in the car do not deserve to be at risk, for my choice of having drugs on myself). This was $200 in 40's of Crystal Meth [just destroyed, no real effect as I coughed up the bags later], and a quarter sheet [25 hits] of extremely high grade blotter. (~100 ug, myself being the 2nd person to touch the product after the sheets were soaked) I did not want to trip, I had been under intense stress lately, and I had already been up a very long time. Within 15 to 20 minutes, I began to trip. Within 30 my vision was completely skewed. Somebody was with me during this and vouched for the fact that, I was able to keep myself at a point of calm, converse practically as if sober (for a small period I had problems expressing myself), and was in complete control.

However anybody takes this information is entirely up to them, it is not given to suggest that what I have done with myself is a good idea, or that this is something anybody should ever do. However; it is true to life evidence, that confidence and focus can reach a point such that this chemical can be handled in large amounts, under any condition, without horrible results. The power a strong mind holds is absolutely unbreakable, and if you choose to frequently take LSD [or any other substance] I highly recommend you give this some serious thought and give it a good try. The resulting confidence I have [and you surely can] gained in my mental abilities will surely help me in everyday life, and is something I feel I will never lose.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7489
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 19, 2003Views: 640
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Overdose (29), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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