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Let Down
Citation:   Eugenephoria. "Let Down: An Experience with Cocaine (exp75408)". Nov 9, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 2 lines insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I am against hard drug use, and hadn't indulged in hard drugs of any kind since quitting amphetamine, until recently experimenting with cocaine.

I did one small line, and felt nothing at first except a horrible flavor, and then it kicked in and it did the complete opposite of what I'd been told. My friends were all uppety and revved up after doing their lines, but I felt slow, annoyed, and wanted to go to sleep. It made me very tired. We all assumed I just didn't do enough, so an hour or two later I did a line twice as fat, and when it kicked in, it made me feel twice as bad as the first line.

I'm assuming that I have some mental disorder that caused these effects, though amphetamine always did what it was supposed to do, who knows, fact is it was a real let down. But, this has its positives, liking the drug would cause more problems than just being disappointed.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75408
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 9, 2018Views: 1,326
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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