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Better as a Remedy Than a High
Damiana & Passion Flower
Citation:   Dan T. "Better as a Remedy Than a High: An Experience with Damiana & Passion Flower (exp75635)". Dec 20, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1110 mg oral Damiana (capsule)
  T+ 1:35 740 mg oral Damiana (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   oral Damiana (tea)
  T+ 0:00 370 mg smoked Damiana (dried)
  T+ 0:00 350 mg smoked Passion Flower (dried)
After having previous experience with smoking Damiana and using it in a tea, I decided to buy a bottle of 370mg capsules. Once I got home, I decided to try some of the Damiana; I ingested 3 capsules. Within 5 minutes, I was feeling my stress ease and my muscles get loose. I felt a feeling of freshness like walking through mountain mist. That buzz went away after about 30 minutes. An hour after the effects had worn off, I decided to ingest 2 more capsules to test if it was a placebo effect or if it was a real feeling. I felt the same buzz, although it was very subtle.

I stumbled across what might be a side-effect: 10 minutes after ingesting the capsules, I had to urinate every 20 minutes for 2 hours. And even though I had hardly drank any water, my urine was clear. Wasn't expected, so it was kinda strange.

With the sixth capsule of Damiana, I boiled it into a tea. The effects were the same as ingested, but short lived.

Upon further reading, I found accounts saying if you mix Damiana with Passion Flower and smoke it, lucid dreaming and extreme relaxation might occur. I headed back to the store and bought some Passion Flower (350mg capsules). Then I split open a Damiana and a Passion Flower capsule and mixed them into a bowl. It was hard to smoke at first, because the mixture was extremely fluffy. Once I got it lit however, it stayed cherried for the rest of the bowl. It was easy to smoke, because it was sweet tasting and aromatic. The effects of the smoke were similar to a coming on high from bud, except they only lasted for 10 minutes. My muscles and mind were very relaxed during the high; it felt like Valium. After the high was done, I noticed that time was passing by faster than usual for the rest of the day.

Throughout the rest of the night, I ingested 2 more Passion Flower capsules. Each time, I experienced a short mild headache. As I was listening to some tunes, my mind drifted to my early childhood (5-8 years old) and I was able to recall events and faces with clarity that made it seem like it was yesterday. To finish off the day, I took a few rips of fluffy bud in a bong. In the the night, my dreams were clear, but not lucid.

I woke up feeling well rested, calm and very content. I wouldn't take Damiana or Passion Flower as a way to get high; it's a waste, because the high is short lived and it takes high amounts to work. These herbs helped my memory and cured some anxiety. For those reasons, I will continue to take 2 a day to help general well being.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75635
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2017Views: 4,012
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Damiana (107) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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