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The Good & The Bad
Citation:   XpunkguyX. "The Good & The Bad: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (exp7580)". Jun 20, 2003.

400 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Dramamine: The Good & The Bad

I've read a great deal of information about Dramamine in the past. I've simply come to the conclusion that I'd write my own experiences after using the drugs Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (Sleep Tabs), and Dramamine I (motion sickness medication.)

While I myself, have tried both of the drugs about 5-6 times each, I would have to say their differences are not at all noticable. In fact, a trip on sleeping tabs is almost identical as a trip on dramamine.

25 MG of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride is equal to 50 MG of Dramamine I. Dramamine usually comes is incriments of 50, as over-the-counter Diphenhydramine HCI pills come in 25 MG incriments. I will explain the differences between Dramamine I and Dramamine II, from my experiences, not from what a doctor says.

Dramamine I is way more intense, in the way of visuals, and if you want to call it a body high on dramamine, I guess that seemed more intense also. In Dramamine II, the active substance is Meclizine Hydrochloride, the reason they made a second recipe for Dramamine is people were getting sick off of the first one. Dramamine II really helps with the nauseating effects, and since Dramamine I makes me drowsy, Dramamine II actually has the opposite effect and can help to keep me awake for most of my trip.

The biggest difference between the two definetly had to be the visuals.

Diphenhydramine HCI I really thought was unpleasant, often I couldn't tell whether I was dreaming or if I was awake. I think one of the things behind this drug that makes it mystical in that way is think about it--your taking sleeping pills to the point that your high, your state of mind may be that you think your dreaming--but really your not. It's just the fact that the Diphenhydramine HCI put you below your subconcious level in that state of mind.

My personal experiences were rather cool with the Dramamines I thought, staring at the ceiling made some weird grid-like patterns which I could actually hallucinate it to the point were I could reach out and grab it and shape it. One of the other things I might notice in a dramamine trip is smoke filling the room out from nowhere, same factors behind that with increased sensitivity to light.

Its also very common to hear voices from nowhere calling my name, or even my own voice repeating my name over and over again. I experienced that a lot during my trips, sometimes I actually start a conversation with someone who isn't even there. When thoughts start rolling in my head on dramamine, fantasy can become reality in this case.

Its also very common to slur my speech, and forget what I was talking about--or who I was talking to. On Dramamine I felt it was extremely hard to get a point through to someone, sometimes taking minutes in advance to think it over--then actually forgetting what I was gonna say.

One of the most intense effects about the drug is that when I am on about 8 pills and over I feel like I am being sucked into the ground. It almost feels like an extra heavy drunk feeling.

After repeated incidents of using this drug, I feel I've done it enough to know what its like to trip on Dramamine, its definetly not a replacement for acid. On Dramamine I don't wake up feeling refreshed, I wake up feeling like shit and not wanting to do anything for the rest of the day. If I split my trips in half, I would say after using the drugs, 50% of the time when I woke up I was happy following my fully functional life, and 50% of the time after the trip I felt like shit.

Dramamine I & II are definetly not social drugs.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2003Views: 1,006
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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