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Nice and Colorful Experience
Citation:   Flyer. "Nice and Colorful Experience: An Experience with 2C-B (exp75966)". Jan 13, 2009.

25 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
I am a 29 years old male with good health and with previous experiences with mushrooms, MDMA, opium, heroin, cocaine, speed, DiPT, Kratom, 2C-I. I got around 80mg of 2C-B through a good friend and I had been planning to try it for a while before I got the chance to do it. Finally I found the perfect setting to try it, I got out of town for a weekend and I went to a lost house high on the mountains, the owner was around but she knew I went there just to chill out and do my own stuff. The night before I had done around 250mg of Tramadol that I got over the counter just to have a nice and chilled evening.

It was starting to get dark and I had spent the morning out on the mountains, my body felt nice and relaxed, same as my mind setting, I am having a quite positive state of mind lately with no major problems. Following the advice of my friend I decided to have a 25mg dose so I could feel 2C-B's real power.

[T+0:00] I didn't wanted to sit down and wait for the effects so I prepared a line and I snorted it, it was a bit painful and bitter but I could deal with it. Just after doing the line I started feeling anxious.

[T+0:05] I start to get the feeling that my state of mind is changing fast, and that this stuff is powerful.

[T+0:10] The owner of the house comes around to check if I need something, to have a conversation right now is quite difficult and I didn't manage to understand her clearly, she can feel somethings is going on and she leaves without asking anything.

[T+0:15] Strong visuals, I can see patterns moving on the marble table in the kitchen, it's nice and I get a peaceful feeling. I see more patterns all over without doing any effort and I decided to sit down on the sofa in front of the chimney, the visuals are really nice and I got a very comfortable feeling with the blanket. The body load is manageable and not very uncomfortable

[T+0:45] Time goes by and starts to be difficult to know how long I've been in the sofa, my mind goes wandering from one thought to another, not extremely deep, I can manage them and I get to wonder about the beauty of fire, life... Music is very powerful, Radiohead's In Rainbows has been playing for the most part of the trip and the lyrics and music get a more powerful inside... I love this music. Doing things is difficult, I spilt my tea and decide to stay on the sofa.

[T+1:00] The visuals are not so strong now but I'm still high on my mind, I heard a knock on the door and I get afraid, but can avoid opening, to my surprise is just to small cats, I let them come in and they stay around for the rest of the trip. It's really nice to play with them, their fur is nice for visuals and really soft, I get one with them and start to smell and wonder like them, I know it seems stupid but feels really nice and natural.

[T+1:45] Visuals are not strong but my mindset is really nice, music is still nice and my ipod on shuffle brings me really good surprises and memories, from the dark Burial thoughts, to pop happiness, Amon Tobim brings nice souvenirs, and rock feels very energetic.

[T+2:30] Visual are gone and I start to be able to do things, I feel hungry and get some nuts, I feel very positive and I start painting with some watercolors, I feel really inspired.

[T+3:30] The main efects are gone but I stay in a nice mindset and keep doing things, I am really hungry and prepare some pasta, a weed join brings back some visuals and some fun for cooking...

[T+4:00] Eating feels good to my stomach and I wonder about this nice trip drinking some wine... I passed the next of the evening painting and taking pictures around.

I thought it was a really nice experience, in a perfect setting, my thoughts didn't go very deep and the visuals were mellow but nice, I felt I was always in control and I really enjoyed 2C-B, it has everything I can enjoy and it doesn't last very long. I will think about going up to 30mg next time.

ps. To my surprise the cats left a bad present on my bed when I went to sleep so I had to kick them out :-(

Keep flying!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75966
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 13, 2009Views: 16,955
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2C-B (52) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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