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Good High but Terrible Side Effects
Citation:   Borbiusle. "Good High but Terrible Side Effects: An Experience with Prednisone (exp76007)". Feb 8, 2018.

  oral Pharms - Prednisone
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I was prescribed prednisone by an ENT specialist for my onset of tinnitus, a ringing in the ears that persists 24/7, caused by me being at a loud rock concert for 5 hours. The prescription was 30mg 2x day for 4 days, then 20mg 2x a day 3 days, then 10mg 2x a day for 3 days.

The first 3 days I felt just slightly upbeat and more chatty than usual. When the weekend rolled by (4th day), I noticed that for the first time in years, I felt extremely upbeat, as if the cloud over my mind was lifted. I hopped on my computer to play a multi-player videogame for about 4 hours and simply massacred everyone, whereas normally I just get by. On 60mg of prednisone, I later hit the interstate and did 120mph on blizzard-stricken icy roads with perfect control of my car at night. My mind was truly 'In The Zone', in a good way. The high felt very clean and natural, as if my mind were kicked into high-gear and running at full capacity.

I ended up at a Casino where I played perfect BlackJack for 8 hours straight with the discipline of a God. My mind was completely devoid of nervousness, anxiousness, and I found myself just chatting it up, where normally I'm a very quiet and shy person.
I found myself just chatting it up, where normally I'm a very quiet and shy person.
I simply was engulfed in a warm-fuzzy feeling and a sense of being absolutely in-tune with the world around me.

I left the Casino $2000 richer and a little drunk from 2 screwdrivers and headed to the bar. As I drove there, the drunkeness didn't interfere with my driving at all, it was beyond perfect with the prednisone still in full blast. I actually chatted with girls at the bar with full confidence and got quite a few numbers. I ended up going home with a hot looking chick, whereas I never even tried getting with girls before the prednisone.

After the weekend, I headed back to work to finish my training, this time I'm down to 10mg of prednisone. I aced all my tests and felt in-tune with my teacher and the material, whereas I'm usually spacing out and have to ask the teacher to repeat things 2-3 times, which made me feel like a dumbass. The high wasn't as incredible as the Casino/Bar night, but nonetheless it was still helping me kick ass and take names in whatever I was doing at the moment.

Finally, The Crash. I still had about 20 pills left but decided to stop taking the medication since my prescription said so. The next day at work during training, I was focusing intensely on an electrical problem we were troubleshooting when I got hit with a migraine full-blast. My head began to throb like crazy. I got up quickly to take a swig of water, BIG mistake. My legs felt like jello and I could feel the blood rushing out of my head into nowhere, intensifying my headache and I nearly blacked-out. I staggered into the bathroom and sat on the crapper for about 30 minutes, grabbing onto poles for support and feeling like I was going to die. I spent the rest of the day feeling nauseous with the migraine throbbing like no other.

The next 4 days without prednisone were hell. Constant migraine headaches and I had involuntary shaking in my hands for 4 days straight. Taking 20mg on the 4th day did help with the symptoms, but I knew this path would lead to addiction, so I cut my pills in half and tapered myself off with 5mg 2x a day for a week and eventually flushed the rest down the toilet after all symptoms subsided. My tinnitus did not go away, so in that regard, the drug was useless.

All in all, I would say prednisone was an amazing experience, it really opened my eyes to my true potential for greatness and success in life that I thought never existed within me. The side effects of getting off this drug are so bad though, I wouldn't recommend trying this stuff for more than a day. Nonetheless, I don't regret taking prednisone, this stuff really changed my life for the better and gave me back confidence in myself that I had lost over the years.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76007
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 8, 2018Views: 6,055
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Pharms - Prednisone (226) : Hangover / Days After (46), Performance Enhancement (50), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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