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A Hell of a Night
Citation:   Bob joe. "A Hell of a Night: An Experience with LSD (exp76050)". Sep 11, 2018.

2 hits oral LSD (liquid)
Just recently I had an experience that I will never forget in my entire life. A couple friends and I decided to take LSD on new years night, my friends will be labeled as friend A,B,C. We had all been very excited through out the day to take our sugar cubes with two hits of liquid LSD in them. We had been jamming all day at friend B's house and we were going to spend the night at A's house.

So we arrived latter that night at 10 o'clock and took our hits at around 10:20. Everything was running very smoothly we had started to come up very quickly. We were all sitting in A's room listening to the album Gamehendge by Phish which was extremely amazing in all aspects. The visual and physical effects of this trip were beyond anything that I have experienced before.

After listening to music we had decided to go chill in another room and let ourselves drift off completely. At this time a weird vibe had started to flood the room and everyone could feel it. An friend C wanted to watch Alice and Wonderland witch would have been a glorious idea if the only working dvd player wasn't right near A's fathers room. C couldn't get his mind off it and it was extremely annoying because he kept saying 'Want to watch Alice,' and we told him we were going to at 1:00 to get his mind off of it. We were all tripping insanely hard more than I had ever before.

After a while A gave into C's demand and took him down stairs to watch the movie while me and B chilled upstairs. Me and him were disusing that this entire situation was completely fucked and the vibe was so weird. We said that we didn't want to be there. From what I was told by A, C was being to loud downstairs so they came back upstairs and that is when things went into a spiral of horror.

C was making a lot of noise in the room and we were all telling him to be quiet. We all thought he was tripping to hard to control himself. But that was the weird part because we were also tripping so hard but could handle it completely. C started making absolutely no sense at all with random remarks of insanity. C started throwing everything he could get his hands on, even his own stuff that he just started demolishing. Everything thing he said wasn't making any sense. We were all tripping out of our minds also, but just wanted C to chill out before he woke A's dad and that was something that we just didn't want to deal with. We couldn't even smoke our bud because it we had to literally babysit C. Because he was FAR from himself.

After about three hours of trying to keep C silent we decided something was incredibly wrong so while me and B tried to sit in the room an calm C down, A went to get his dad. A told his dad that C was freaking out and we didn't know what to do. We had told his Dad that C had taking LSD without us knowing and we did not. When A's brother came home he had to man handle C down to A's basement so C wouldn't brake anything. As we sat there watching C literally go insane and talking complete gibberish, A's dad called drug control and they told him to call a ambulance because we had no idea wat he was capable of.

While the ambulance had arrived A's brother and the paramedics were carrying C out to the ambulance, C began to vomit not a lot mostly dry heaving and urinate himself. After he was restrained in the ambulance we had to talk to the police while still tripping very hard. We had told them that after dinner C went to bathroom for a good ten minutes and came back out, and hour latter we couldn't control him so we decide to contact some one and here we are now.

When we had removed C we were all still tripping very hard, and we were at the same time relieved that we had gotten rid of C because we didn't know what to do. But we were also happy that he was safe and controlled.

One last thing is that C's actions were something beyond him even in his normal state of mind he would never have done. It was not him at all. C was completely out of his mind. Also its not like C was this random kid from our band he was a friend that we had known for most our lives. Another thing this was not our first experience with psychedelics. We had all done LSD before even C. C one night had eaten more than an eighth of mushrooms and was the best person to trip with.

C is fine now but is grounded for a very long time and I think its going to be a very long time before I try hallucinogens again. That night was so fucked up. I had tripped harder than I ever had before with visuals and realizations beyond my understanding but I think its time to stick to the ganja and having and old fashion good time. After this is was all and done with, now we need a new fucking bassist for our band.

Exp Year: 2008-2009ExpID: 76050
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 11, 2018Views: 1,528
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