Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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The Weird - Uncommon Observations
Citation:   Wanna Be A Rockstar. "The Weird - Uncommon Observations: An Experience with Cocaine (exp76178)". Mar 19, 2018.

  repeated IV Cocaine (liquid)
    IV Oxycodone (liquid)
Urination... yea, at around five in the afternoon, I used the restroom. I got my bag, my teener (1.8 grams) of beautiful, fairly good blow at 530. Its 1 in the morning and although I need to go... really badly, my bladder wont let me. The uh-oh about all of this is that I drink extra water when im mainlining yeyo because otherwise I have a nasty headache, sometimes a migraine the next day. I've had half a gallon of water, my bladder knows its full, but my prostate is holding on for dear life.

Heart rate... normally I'm a healthy guy. I am healthy to the point that my resting heart rate rivals moderately good long distance runners; this comes from years of ice hockey. Resting heart rate - 50-60, 60 at most, if I'm stressed out. The first injection of a new bag sees, after a mere 30 seconds, my heart rate jumping to 160 or so and my blood pressure headed from a perfect 110 over 70 to 140 over 100. Even tolerant, as I was injecting my final high because the bottle I poured my bag into is empty (which makes me sad), my resting heart rate on a decent high is 120, like clockwork, 30 beats within 15 seconds. Simply walking up a set of stairs sees that leap to 140 or 150.

Male bits... I just don't understand how some guys can have sex while high on cocaine. Maybe its because I'm injecting the drug instead of merely snorting it, but my penis becomes as flaccid and small as George Costanza's during extreme shrinkage. Hey, with sarcasm intended I can say that its good news because everyone KNOWS that ladies love them less than 2 inches long.

[Erowid Note: Intravenous (IV) injection of crushed pills/tablets can be very dangerous due to unknown substances, binders, and fillers present. Any substance injected directly into the blood stream should be very pure. Clean needles and medically appropriate techniques should be used to avoid serious injury or death.]
Nausea... especially combined with oxycodone, and other narcotic painkillers of course, nausea sinks its sharp talons into my gut; however, if you think that I can say no to a needle full of OC and Snow White, then you just don't know me at all! I have a strong stomach, but a needle full of cocaine will make it upset.

Loser Hall of Fame... yea yea, addiction is a bitch. Thinking about pills and powder all the time is a real drag. I used to be a lady killer (figuratively, not literally folks) with extreme intelligence (1560 on my SAT's despite getting completely baked 3 hours before the exam, having forgotten that the test was that day, and being utterly fried during the latter half of the college entrance exam) and a once legitimate chance to one day play professional ice hockey. Now I'm a shut-in... a loser. It comes with the territory; after all, who wants to date a moving track-mark with a tiny, coke-shrunk wiener who is going to throw up on you? I don't work because my car was stolen long ago, and despite getting a great job not long afterward, blew the several thousand dollars I made through TRAINING on drugs instead of a car which would enable me to get to work and well... keep my job. I lost 40 pounds, going from 180 of pure, well-defined muscle to 140 of skinny twerp within 18 months or so. The scary thing is that despite knowing all of this, I would leap at the chance to steal the money to buy another bag.

Benefits? Umm... well, I hope they're good.

Oh, and my attention span which was already poor thanks to ADD (not extreme ADD, but noticeable) has absolutely waved me goodbye, which is why I forgot the several other uncommon subjects, and need to end this experience report.

Exp Year: 2007-2009ExpID: 76178
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 19, 2018Views: 1,898
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Hangover / Days After (46), Not Applicable (38)

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