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Easy Visualisation - But No Dreams Yet
Citation:   Watcher Of The Skies. "Easy Visualisation - But No Dreams Yet: An Experience with Mugwort (exp76266)". Aug 16, 2016.

  oral Mugwort (tea)
  2 bowls smoked Mugwort (dried)
I became interested in mugwort after reading about it- I was drawn to the idea of being able to remember my dreams clearly.

The first time I tried it I made tea from a little more than a teaspoon of leaves. It tasted mild and was pleasant to drink. I went to bed about half an hour later, but I didn't sleep deeply enough to dream. It seemed that the herb had a stimulant effect similar to caffeine- I’m quite sensitive, and I don’t sleep well if I have a cup of coffee anytime after noon.

I tried about a week later, but this time I went for a walk and smoked two small bowls of it out of an apple. The smoke was pretty mild, more so than pot I’d say.

A while later I started to feel a bit of tingling in my legs, but this may just have been placebo or unrelated. Other subtle changes happened soon, however. It’s difficult to put my finger on what exactly the feeling was. I guess you might say it was like a very, very slight cannabis high, but without any impairment (I was thinking normally, and I had no trouble concentrating on things).

When I got home and put on a Floyd record, I noticed the most significant effect. I’ve always found Echoes to be a very visual piece of music, but this time I found it even easier to “see” the music. I don’t mean visuals or hallucinations of the type which you might associate with acid, but just that my imagination and mental images were made more vivid, and I saw things with life- like clarity in my mind.

Again, though, I experienced the same stimulant effects and had trouble sleeping, so I still haven’t experienced the dreaming effects of mugwort.
I still haven’t experienced the dreaming effects of mugwort.

All in all, I’d say it was well worth it just for the vivid images, even without dreaming. The effects were very subtle, I’m even questioning if there really were any apart from the imagery.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76266
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 16, 2016Views: 3,816
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Mugwort (292), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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