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A Trip With No Drugs
Endogenous Event
by RJM
Citation:   RJM. "A Trip With No Drugs: An Experience with Endogenous Event (exp76360)". Apr 26, 2018.

I was 19 years old and I was hanging out at the local Pizzeria when I started to feel strange. My face felt warm and when I looked at myself in a mirror I noticed that my pupils were very dilated. I slowly began to feel an increasing interconnectedness with everyone around me. It seemed that I understood everyone around me and what they felt, what they feared and what they needed from others. I also noticed that complete strangers were drawn to me and I was able to speak with them as if we'd known each other forever because I could see into their deepest feelings and thoughts. One person came in and was introduced to me. About twenty minutes passed and he asked if I wanted to arm wrestle and I simply looked at him and saw his insecurity and his fear and I told him 'There is nothing to prove' and he understood me and understood himself in that moment.

I cannot compare this experience with anything that has ever happened before or after in my entire life. The only thing I could say is that I felt what I imagined a spiritually enlightened person might feel. I hoped that what I was feeling would not go away, that it was a permanent change, but it was not. The next day I was back to being myself.

Exp Year: 1986ExpID: 76360
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 26, 2018Views: 818
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Endogenous (86) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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