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I Feel Really Relaxed
Opium & Cannabis
Citation:   annonymous . "I Feel Really Relaxed: An Experience with Opium & Cannabis (exp76502)". Nov 11, 2020.

3 hits smoked Opium
  3 hits smoked Cannabis
First Time Opium High With Pot

9:30 P.M.: It was my first time smoking opium, I had put a nice little amount on top of my bud bowl, and smoked it (I hit it the right way, I was coached through it by an experienced opium smoker). After I inhaled I had gotten the 'rush' to my head that heroin users speak of. It was this feeling of euphoria rushing into my head, followed with light-headedness and I felt my eye blood vessels constricting.

9:32 P.M: I smoke another small hit of opium and then I get even higher
9:40 P.M: I was pretty buzzed
9:42 P.M: I take another hit with a bowl of bud
9:45 P.M: I feel the high. It is extreme euphoria and I feel really relaxed (I think from the pot) parts of my body are numb. I have some itching sensations at random parts of my body. When I itch, I don't feel the itching (parts of body that I itched were numb when itched)

I pretty much lost track after that, but I do remember 'nodding out' like heroin users do, I didn't pass out or go into a coma like state, but I would nod out for a quick second but I would be conscience while it happened, I'd think about the nod out, then wake back up. I was high for about 4 and a half to 5 hours. I have an unusually high tolerance to drugs, even if its my first time trying them. (first time I popped xanax, I needed 2 bars to get high, 2mg bars)

And this wasn't no garbage opium, the 2 people I was with (including the experienced smoker) were pretty high compared to me, the other person who's first time it was, was extremely high after his first hit. The next day I had no withdrawal symptoms, I didn't feel like I needed more opium either. I haven't used it since and it has been about 1 month and 1 week.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76502
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 11, 2020Views: 849
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Cannabis (1), Opium (63) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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