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The Rainbow of Reality
Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora)
Citation:   Hempel. "The Rainbow of Reality: An Experience with Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora) (exp76854)". Apr 28, 2010.

12 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  3 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
So I'm alive but I've died several times in the last 5 hours. I'm still recovering from the most amazing mind-body transformation of my life and I'm still a bit queasy. What I'm talking about is the RAINBOW OF REALITY -- nothing less -- nothing more. I tested it against all possible alternatives and reality is a vortex of which we as individuals have completely no control and of which space and time are continually recreated just like a holograph.

I previously tested salvia against the full-lotus pineal gland third eye. As people know there's a big discussion online about salvia versus dmt. Today I just had a dmt trip by grinding up 3 grams of Syrian Rue and 12 grams of Mimosa -- not exact measurements but it defintely did the job.

I'm just REALLY glad to be back to reality -- or I should say my little ego-trip contrived version of reality. Ah the ego -- what a trip is takes through death and back again.

Anyway so I boiled the stuff down in a quart of 30% lemon juice/water -- for over an hour. Finally the stuff was boiled down to a big gulp and to make sure I got it all I licked my fingers after scrapping them against the quart -- STAINLESS STEEL (I bought stainless steel just for this trip).

Last food I had was the prevous night -- late -- I went to sleep around 3 a.m. from reading the new SECRET AND SUPPRESSED II. Fun stuff -- very fun. My favorites were Kenn Thomas and Al Hidell (both writers I've corresponded with). But there's some other good research tidbits.

Anyway I was getting hungry and was still tired. I wanted to be well rested before the trip -- so I took a power nap -- and after 5 minutes just the spoonful of sludge gave me this really nice total body orgasmic relaxation. I could feel it deep in my toes and pelvis -- and I remembered how this stuff was serotonin based -- and at this point it felt like salvia. But I knew that just that little bit doing that much -- this was definitely going to be fun.

So I woke up after half an hour -- and keep in mind I had the c.d. HEALING DANCE MUSIC OF THE KALAHARI (smithsonian Megan Biesle anthropologist recording) -- playing over and over. I really like this c.d. because it's the REAL DEAL -- even more than pygmy music.

Anyway I quickly drank the concoction and went for a final wizz. Jesus the computer actually censors words it considers to be more than PG-13. haha.

I quick went into full-lotus -- as steep as possible and I waited. I brought an empty pot -- just in case and I put a jacket on my knees so I was toasty. I was on a nice foam sofa pad on the floor facing a window that looked out into a nice tree.

Anyway the light started to kick in - I had my eyes closed and thought that it was from the window. The bliss of full-lotus kicked in -- but NO straight up climax -- just a deep body beyond climax orgasmic feeling.

It was maybe 15 minutes and I started to wonder if the lights would get any stronger -- I noticed rainbows -- which was very cool. But then I remembered (as my mind fought the drug) that intensity is determined by frequency not amplitude.

I started to sweat as the light and orgasmic bliss got stronger. My energy channels were opening up REALLY quick -- and they went straight for the pineal gland. It was f. amazing. The orgasmic bliss was really deep and I kept on in full-lotus but I had to take off my shirts since they were soaked.

This was my first test -- like with the salvia -- was the drug just a mind hallucination or was it also a body transformation -- and the full-lotus clearly proved that this drug opened up my body channels very fast and in a deep way.

I kept thinking -- I just have this one blockage I just wish the drug would clear out -- and at this point the rainbow of reality kicked in. Clearly this isn't a drug -- it's alive and nature is totally alive and the plant was healing me.

Anyway I had to stay in full-lotus to make sure the drug kept clearing out my body blockages and the intensity of the body energy sure enough totally popped the pineal gland -- flooding my brain and my body with the RAINBOW OF REALITY.

At this point I fell into the corner wall and hit my head pretty strong but I was so blissed out and still in full-lotus. The sounds of the blockages breaking open where like gun shots -- and I realized that the light had now cleared out of my head.

I held on like I was clearly riding the wildest trip of my life and at this point the music was my only guide on reality. I kept thinking -- which is first sound or light.

The rainbow of reality kept clearing out even deep body blockages and I realized this is the true Level 4.

At this point the consciousness as complementary opposite was just playing with me so I used my left-brain ego to do reality testing. My ego was clearly just the left brain dominance which would wave in and out of this rainbow of reality -- and while the ego was on the crest of the way I would throw out questions to test the rainbow of reality.

Again -- which is first sound or light? Is Ramana Maharshi correct that the I-thought -- the source of the I-thought is more important than the OM mantra.

The answer I received as so mind blowing -- and body transforming -- that .... well as my body blockages would clear out my mind was clear out some deep memory -- and not just a memory but a connection with the larger pain of reality -- stored in my body.

So when I cracked my head against the corner of the wall -- and it sounded like a gun shot and as more head blockages cleared out sounding like gun shots I was literally dieing. I reality tested this while in full-lotus - the pain would transform to even deeper orgasmic esctasy while I was in full-lotus and the experience of external suffering would get released through the clearing of the body blockages.

The only thing that kept my going was the full-lotus and this is why the rainbow meditation suddenly became so real. Any visions I experienced -- any thoughts that I reality tested -- would get sucked back into the rainbow of reality. I reality tested the highest mountains, the deepest oceans, the coldest cold, the nasiest smells, the nausea of throwing up, the old age, my mom and my dad, genocide -- all sucked into the rainbow of reality.

Then something amazing happened -- as the deep euphoria kicked in after the deepest pain of the blockages clearing out -- the sweat kept coming -- and I was laughing but I realized that I was living through the reality of others -- the mentally retarded, the late-term cancer. Finally I shit myself and this too was a joke -- my mind raced with so many amazing connections and I just wanted the RAINBOW OF REALITY to stop.

But I kept going in the full-lotus and I tried reaching for my glasses twice only to fall back. I even thought maybe if I jerk off it will stop the trip -- but my ego was sucked back into the rainbow of reality before my hand could get there. Finally I threw up -- but I don't remember what happened after I threw up. I collapsed out of full-lotus and kept reality testing the mind-bending rainbow of reality.

The trip was coming down but time and space were a total joke and I just wanted it desperately to end -- my ego had been totally destroyed. I found my mind-body making these amazing sounds that were really deep and straight from my heart -- and this was the sound of the universe as it warps spacetime through the rainbow of reality. I found myself going through the cool down of the full-lotus meditation -- without even thinking about it. I had experienced the rainbows speeding through my energy channels of my body -- I had tasted light -- and now I was rumbing every toe -- I was gyrating in bliss -- I was laughing and the laughing of the trance healing music of the Bushmen was right there with me.

Finally I had the real rainbow meditation and I realized that reality is just this rainbow vortex created by the ohm of the heart as the universe. The universe is pure love and I was just so glad to be back to reality.

My glasses were all bent up and I had thrown up in the bucket or pot -- amazingly. I checked the clock. I had drank the stuff at 2:45 pm and it was now 7:45 pm -- an amazing 5 hour trip.

I was just so glad to be alive and back to reality -- this fake ego trip reality. I knew that the real reality was just so intense and that real yoga samadhi means riding the rainbow of reality as it creates spacetime itself -- through the ohm of the heart-universe.

Words are just a cheap ego trip -- the humility of dying so many times and coming back -- the euphoria of the parasympathetic heart death -- the rainbow of reality -- so many visions of my life -- all connected --- all a rainbow trip.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76854
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2010Views: 6,380
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