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Knocked Out!!!
Pregabalin, Amitriptyline, Butalbital & Oxycodone
Citation:   webguy16. "Knocked Out!!!: An Experience with Pregabalin, Amitriptyline, Butalbital & Oxycodone (exp77361)". Erowid.org. Mar 21, 2010. erowid.org/exp/77361

300 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (pill / tablet)
  200 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline (pill / tablet)
  10 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
1945-- I just took 300mg lyrica, 200mg elavil, 10mg percocet, and 1 fioricet. I also have one of those power energy shots that im thinking of taking when i get really tired. Looking back at all of that typed out makes me think that it may not have been my best idea ever, but i guess im just going to have to see where this takes me...

1950-- Already bored of waiting for the effects to kick in, i guess that i will just go smoke a bowl (marijuana) while i wait.

2000-- Starting to feel a little warm in the face and lightheaded... a little bit of tingling. Its pretty faint and not easy to describe, but it is noticeable. I have been reading some of the other experiences and I just want to mention this incase something crazy happens and i die or something, I love you mom and am so proud of my two brothers that i cant even describe it.

2011-- I find myself feeling really tingly and also really warm and fuzzy. Im spacing out alot and forgetting to keep typing, im normally a really quick typist but im finding it really really hard to focus on it at all, its now 2018 and i am still typing...

2033-- My thinking and even my movement seams really slow and sluggish, like things are delayed or something, it also feels really hard to move, like i weigh about another 100 pounds. Even my eyes seam very slow when i move them from one place to another or when i try to read. 2040 is the time right now, so it took about 7 minutes in order to type this...

Well, after that last entry i just kind of passed out, i remember seeing something out of the corner of my eyes and trying to grab for it but never actually catching it. Once i passed out i was GONE, people tried to wake me and i was completely unresponsive, they almost called 911 but decided against when they could see i was still breathing. So... yea.. i am going to do it again pretty soon probably...

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77361
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2010Views: 30,678
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Butalbital (576), Pharms - Pregabalin (418), Pharms - Amitriptyline (165), Oxycodone (176) : Alone (16), Overdose (29), Combinations (3)

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