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First and Continued Use
Citation:   Action Jackson. "First and Continued Use: An Experience with Modafinil (exp77485)". Apr 17, 2020.

200 - 400 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
I had heard about provigil when doing research over smart drugs. It intrigued me greatly, having heard the claims of various scientists and those of high intelligence using it to stay up for their studies and what not. I myself currently attend university and have always wanted a substance such as this but not with the adverse side affects like one would get with other well-known illegal substance.

I finally got a 'script for Provigil, telling my doctor that I worked shift work. He told me that he used it himself and loved it, writing me out a 'script on the spot. So it came one night I was up all night finishing articles due for the newspaper, not realizing how late it was until the sun came up, as per usual. I decided to pop one of the 200mg provigil. It took about two hours before I felt anything, but when I did it was pretty abrupt. It's kind of like caffeine. It seemed I had somewhat of an increased focus but nothing to really speak about. I had symptoms of having drank a large cup of green tea very fast, but nothing overpowering.

I decided to ratchet things up one morning when I pulled basically a double all-nighter. I took two of the 200mg provigil, so 400 mg taken total. I figured that I had taken the single dose a few times and it worked, but I really wanted to feel if increased dosages did anything. Hell yeah. About an hour, hour and a half after I take them, I am off to the races. I DEFINITELY felt like I was under the influence of a large amount of caffeine, only no sour stomach. By the time I get into class I am feeling just a tiny bit of nausea, but nothing that made me really want to puke or anything. I was definitely bouncing out of myself with energy, though, eyes darting about. I was like a caged animal in my skin, wanting to burst out and do something, trapped in that damn little desk! lol.

After the hour and a half class, so 3 hours out, I headed straight for the library to get on a computer and read as many chapters of Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' as I could on the internet as I was very behind. I had class in an hour and a half so I sit down and find a site and start reading. This is where the provigil started showing other effects. Before I knew it, I had read through about 5-6 chapters AND summaries of each, having taken notes of every chapter. I retained all information I read AND took 4-plus pages of notes.

When class came around, now 4 and a half hours out, I was ready to go. My mind was sharp! I felt no ill effects from the 2 hours of sleep I had in the previous 2 nights. Basically, one 200mg will do the trick, but 400mg will get you flying, but not in a spaced out type of way, just in a highly caffeinated, slightly focused kind of way.

I do feel the tiniest bit of nausea when I take Provigil, especially about an hour or two in. I get diarrhea, but to the point that everything in me seems to liquify and leave my body. Bear with me here, but one nice sitting in the toilet and I'm good to go. I have found that my body REALLY enjoys water while under the effects. I have also found that my body does not like food; water, yes; food, not so much. The caffeinated highly feeling is there but with no racing heart or sour stomach. The other day I took one 200mg pill and had definite hand and leg shakes. I always listen to music and music was not that pleasant during this period for some reason. I find that music via headphones is hit or miss when I take provigil, but something smooth and classical might be fine anytime.

ONE IMPORTANT POINT: I don't know if there is anything to this, but there seems to be a mindset kind of thing going on when I take provigil. It's not a question of thinking I'm staying up so I will, because it DEFINITELY wires my ass at regular and slightly increased dosages, even with me being a pretty big, stocky guy (5'7, 253, former college linebacker). I have felt that I could go to sleep if I wanted to, which is a very odd thing that I wouldn't get with other substances that would be used in such a manner. There is an increase in focus and my sinuses seem to clear up as well, which I didn't read about on the label.

An agent to stay up and get things done. I don't see this as having any recreational use.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77485
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2020Views: 3,290
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Modafinil (217) : School (35), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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