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Frustrating Small-Dose Experience
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Calvin. "Frustrating Small-Dose Experience: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp7758)". Erowid.org. Apr 27, 2002. erowid.org/exp/7758

3 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose
I ordered a package of 10 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds from the internet, because I was curious about the effects of legally obtainable psychedelics.

Following directions found on Erowid, I scraped the yellow funk off each of the seeds. The color of the seeds after scraping them was a rich red, like that of wood used to make nice furniture.

Having never tried hbwr seeds before, I dosed with only 3 seeds to get an idea of their effects. I chewed and swallowed the seeds at 10:30pm.

The effects came on slowly, but by around midnight, I was definitely in an altered state of mind. My mind was completely blank. I had the impression that my mind was standing in a big room all by itself; the random thoughts normally floating around in my head were absent.

I was also overcome by an overwhelming urge to sleep, which I couldn't fulfill. I'm a late-night person, so this tiredness must have come from the seeds. I laid myself in bed, but couldn't sleep, even though my mind seemed devoid of any distracting thoughts.

I felt the need to throw up several times through the night, but couldn't. It seemed like my system was rejecting the seeds, but rejected even more so the idea of throwing up. So I was plagued the entire night with terrible heartburn.

I lay in bed awake all night, feeling really sleepy and frustrated. I felt like my wild animal instincts had somehow been turned on. Perhaps I couldn't sleep because my body was flooded with adrenaline - who knows. My senses were sharpened, but I didn't really notice any visual distortions until later on in the early morning.

At around 6:00 am, I really began to feel delerious. I was expecting to be able to sleep by this time, and really things were just picking up momentum. I went for a walk in a nearby park, hoping to make myself tired enough to sleep, or just to get my metabolism up enough to let the chemicals run their course. My movement through the park made my stomach upset, so I tried again a few times unsuccessfully to throw up. After an hour or so of wandering aimlessly in the park, I went back home to try to sleep again.

I finally fell asleep around 9:30, but woke up again with bad heartburn around 11:00.

I don't plan to eat the remaining seeds. I wouldn't characterize my experience as enjoyable or educational.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7758
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 27, 2002Views: 11,480
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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