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So Many Dreams and So Much Clearer
Calea zacatechichi
by Chac
Citation:   Chac. "So Many Dreams and So Much Clearer: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp77669)". Erowid.org. Aug 15, 2016. erowid.org/exp/77669

  oral Calea zacatechichi (tea)
The Ancients Knew What They Were Doing

Earlier tonight I brewed up a concoction of Calea Z from 2.5 grams of Calea and three standard mixed herbal teabags (Chamomile, etc). I thought these people are whining. There’s no way it can be that bitter. Well, they were all right, this stuff is the wickedly most bitter thing I’ve ever drank. That said, it does goes away eventually. A good idea was to brew it with other teas, put lots of sugar or honey and even some juice. With all of that it would still be good to have some mouth wash on hand to rinse afterward.

I let it steep for about 20 minutes, put in a tea mug and took a sip. I have a low tolerance for things. With only one sip in my system I noticed the effects within 10 minutes. I took 3 more sips and let it sit with me. I take anything slow the first time just to be safe.

+0:20 Written during the experience: I feel good, slightly lethargic, relaxed and tranquil. The world has an increased clarity to it with sight, sound, and tactile sensations. I notice slight visual distortions. When I closed my eyes, I noticed interesting visual patterns. I feel sleepy, due in small part to the Calea and more so because I was tired to begin with. Motor coordination is slightly impaired. When I walked around the room, I noticed a wobble that wasn’t there before. It’s sort of a dreamy wave feeling, like when you’re under water. I put on some music. It is mellow to begin with but it seems especially relaxing. My face feels every so slightly flush, just a little warm. Now it’s off to dream land…

+2:30 As I lay down to be to sleep, I noticed that my heart was definitely beating much faster. Because I used ear plugs I could hear the thump, thump much louder than I have in the past with ear plugs in.

+6:00 After awakening: Wow, I didn’t sleep very long and not really that deep. I guess this is what they are talking about in that one major scientific study on Calea in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. They said the action of Calea seems in opposition to what the Indians that were studied talked about (the fact that it increases dreams). It actually lowers REM sleep but increases the amount of dreams in the SWS (slow wave sleep) stage.

All I know is that I dreamed a lot and remember my dreams much more than I ever do. I filled my psyche with images and topics beforehand and as usual they showed up in the dream, but there were so many of them, and so much clearer. None were lucid, but if I really made an effort to enhance recall, journal, and practice lucid dream techniques (looking at your hands in your dream) with the aid of Calea I think I could achieve lucidity! Wow! This stuff definitely works and has definite possibilities. Next time I will pay attention to they type of things I let in before my dream and not fill my psyche with crap before hand.

There is a reason that these ancient people and their descendants used the variety of plants they did. To them, nature was their pharmacy. They knew each and every plant’s benefits and how to use it. So in the case of Calea, I can definitely see why they used this for divination in the realm of dreams.

Happy dreaming,
Blessings and Peace

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 15, 2016Views: 1,368
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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