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Itchy Goodness That Relieves Pain
Oxymorphone (Opana)
Citation:   dougiefrizzle. "Itchy Goodness That Relieves Pain: An Experience with Oxymorphone (Opana) (exp77813)". Dec 20, 2017.

  repeated insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
These 'opana's' were prescribed to me as a 'breakthrough' med for my backpain, when my Oxycodones didn't take care of all of my pain. Turns out, I think I like them better than the Oxy's. They are alot stronger than the Oxy's in my opinion. They are a yellow orangish color and octagon shape with a 40 on one side. The method I used to introduce them in my body was by snorting. They have an extended release coating on them, so I break them in quarters and remove as much of the coating and snort them, one quarter at a time, say every 45 minutes. I didn't take them with my Oxy just by themselves.

The onset of the first quarter came immediately as a not so good tightening in my stomach which quickly subsided and the high peak was about 20-30 min after snorting. I entered the extremely pleasurable and widely recognized itchy state after the peak , where you itch all over and it feels really good to scratch, my body was taken over by a numby and tingly feeling that was very euphoric, and I laid in my bed in the near dark and watched a movie on my PSP, every half hour to 45 minutes I would lean over and snort another quarter, beginning the itchy pleasure again, the consecutive times had no tightness in my stomach which I believe was related to my empty stomach.

So yeah, I had no pain, I felt great, I stayed awake, although some people on high doses nod out or fall asleep. Each quarter's (10mg) high lasted about 45 minutes, it might be alot longer with people that do not take opiates everyday. The one bad thing about snorting these, is if one does not get all the coating off and happen to snort some, it likes to stick to the walls of one's nostril, this happened to me, and I didn't notice it until the next morning when I looked in the mirror, I got it off, but where the coating was attached it had left a sore in my nose, and I'm sure if I had left it there long enough it could eat a hole in my skin, so now I always snort a couple drops of water in my nose after snorting the pill, to wash it down. :) On a scale of 10 for pain relief, this is a 9 to me, as an opiate high, its a 10, or the best I've had at least.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77813
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 20, 2017Views: 2,393
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)

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