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I Got Completely Lost in How I Felt
Citation:   boneygoat. "I Got Completely Lost in How I Felt: An Experience with Morphine (exp77915)". Oct 29, 2019.

45 mg insufflated Morphine (ground / crushed)
Such an old drug should be more visited and understood. At the same time I realize that morphine now of days is hard to get hold of. I have visited harm reduction websites in order to compare my own drug experiences and see how drugs might affect me. To contribute I will add my own morphine experience.

My friend had 30mg pills that he was selling at average prices, .50$ a mg so I bought two for 30$. This was the first time I tried it so I snorted half a pill. Also to add I was fairly drunk before I started the morphine. My first experience although intoxicated was very enjoyable. I experienced immediate nirvana. My entire body felt like a slow tingling boner (sorry for my reference, but it was the only thing that I could relate it to). I couldn't feel anything, my whole body was numb. Even though it was numb I had strange euphoric feelings spreading throughout my body. At the same time comparing my experience with other drugs my mind was completely clear. I was focused on what I wanted to be focused on. I could carry on a conversation with people even though my entire body felt like I was riding a boat of ecstasy. The best experience I can relate my feelings to was being drunk to the point where everything was numb, but tingling with excitement. As I stumbled home from my friends I was half in a dream like state while still sensing the street around me.

The second time I snorted the rest of my pills totaling at 45mgs. At this point I was completely fucked up(again pardon my language, but fucked was the exact experience I was feeling. I couldn't feel anything, then suddenly an intense experience would flood my body. Again this was the most powerful, orgasmic experience I have ever felt. I felt as if my whole body could explode with ecstasy. This time I was not so coherent. I could barely function words. All my friends that tired to speak to me immediately realized I had no idea where I was. I got completely lost in how I felt. I was alive inside, but at the same time I couldn't think clearly what so ever. The rest of the night I felt and touched everything astonished at how different my sense of feeling was. I could experience this sense of touch to molly and the euphoria it brought. As far as negative side effects induced my morphine there were a few. Like with other opiates I have tried opiates (thebaine, codeine, and opium)there was an incessant itching. Also I had trouble figuring out where exactly I was.

The hangover the next day made me felt weird and almost yachted out. It took me almost a day and a half in order to feel back to normal. Most of all I wanted to sniff more morphine to take me back to the euphoria I had experienced the night before. In the end I most definitely enjoyed my morphine experience. It is fun, but at the same time I understand the high addictiveness of it. It is like no other drug I have enjoyed. I hope that you may decipher my message and translate it into what you need.

Yours truly,

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77915
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 29, 2019Views: 2,594
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Morphine (211) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Unknown Context (20)

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