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Too Much
Yerba Mate
Citation:   Pallardy. "Too Much: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp78014)". Jun 17, 2020.

2500 ml oral Yerba Mate (tea)
I started drinking Mate 3 months ago when I arrived in Argentina. I started with small doses, like 5/10 sips, in the morning, as I had read that it has a very powerful effect and wanted to test it, see how my body reacted.

Generally 30 to 60 mins after the first sip, I start to feel the effects. I have to say that I have a sensitive heart that will react fast and strong to any drink that is supposed to “boost” you. The effects I feel are increased heart rate, excitation, need to move and do things, need to talk.

Yesterday night, I was supposed to go out for a big party planned in Buenos Aires. I said to myself, why not drink some Yerba around midnight so I can be able to dance all night long? So I started drink same mate at around midnight, finishing a first thermos of 1.5L and starting a second one. I think that I drank about 2.5L of Yerba.

30 min after the first sip the usual effects started to kick in. We went out but the party was horrible and a series of events brought me back to the hostel 2 hours after, at 4 am. I was feeling very, very bad. A serious crash was making me feel horrible; in fact it's the worse 24 hours I have had to experience in my life.

My heart rate was going crazy, I was feeling very stressed, nauseous, dizziness and vertigo.
I was feeling very stressed, nauseous, dizziness and vertigo.
I walked around for half an hour, and then decided to try to get some sleep. Impossible of course, I got up 10 mins later and just walked around, drinking water, waiting for the effects to fade. My mind and body wanted to sleep so badly, but my heart just kept on saying no. Two hours of wandering, walking around in despair later, my eyes were finally closing. Went to sleep at 6.30, woke up at 8.30. Heart rate still going like crazy, vertigo will lying down in my bed.

I took a shower hoping it would make things better, but I thought I was going to have a heart attack – my heart was beating so hard. I was still feeling nauseous, I was hungry but didn't want to eat at the same time. A bunch of effects of hangover came in; sensibility to light, to sound, dehydration. I slept for a couple of hours in the afternoon, feeling a bit better when I woke up.

When to bed at night at 11pm, slept 9 hours straight and woke up fresh. I won't ever drink Mate anymore, just makes me go crazy.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 17, 2020Views: 1,058
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Yerba Mate (282) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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