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I'm Amazed by the Empathy
Cacti - T. bridgesii
Citation:   slmn0h3ae. "I'm Amazed by the Empathy: An Experience with Cacti - T. bridgesii (exp78145)". Jun 19, 2020.

55 - 100 ml oral Cacti - T. bridgesii (tea)
We decided to try cacti hoping specifically to experience the effects of mescaline/peyote. As it turns out, what I ingested was a combination of many different alkaloids, as will be evident as this report continues. I had heard that mescaline, when asked subjectively of 'trippers' of the experience was like, and as when compared to LSD objecively/'clinically' (ego dissolution, hallucinations, etc.) was very much like acid. Not true.

We got 5 feet of the cactus, thinner than we wanted. We then cut it into 1-1/2 inch slices and boiled it for an hour or so. Then we mashed this pulp/stuff into a 'mash' and continued to boil, then mashed again after an hour, then boiled for an hour, then mashed again... This continued for a few more tries. Then we had a mess of stuff that was strained with a strainer, then boiled down until reduced to only 50-100 ml which was easy to ingest with lemonade and pepsi and water.

30-35 min later, I felt something coming on. We walked around a common ground and I felt a 'differentness' of my state of being, and when looking at objects saw a typical movement of oddly shaped (kaleidiscopic marble) objects begin to move ... Very much like acid in that complicated looking objects were even more complicated - that is moving/swirling/morphing/changing/breathing than usual. This was just the beginning. Next comes an MDMA like feeling of empathy, physical glowing, body high, that lasts for an hour or so. What I'm saying to my friend at this time is that this specific experience is something I would have difficulty explaining what exactly it feels like. I'm amazed by the empathy - no different than ectasy.

Then some 30 min- 1 hr later comes a change in the visuallness - an obvious synthesia (mixing of senses) that can't be ignored - much more than hearing music as I've heard with hearing music on acid but actually seeing flashes of something visual with eyes closed when listening to good quality trance. Flashes, bursts, darkenings of something visual - in my head with eyes closed AND without seeing 'stuff.' Then comes AGAIN a feeling of acid - confusion but comfortable confusion of things that are going on - no loss of self, no feeling of 'what the hell is happening,' more what am I feeling. Why does this feel like different aspects of different highs? Why do I feel aspects of LSD/MDMA/even pot on some weird way? Why does this feel like speed in other ways? So I realize the conglomaration of psychedelic effects and begin to wonder, 'are you serious, can this be this good?' it is. Ego dissolution did not come - might come with much higher doses - might aid, don't know. It's not scary.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78145
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2020Views: 1,035
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Cacti - T. bridgesii (448) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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