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Dreaming Awake
Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
by Flip
Citation:   Flip. "Dreaming Awake: An Experience with Hydrocodone (Vicodin) (exp78148)". Mar 10, 2016.

3 tablets insufflated Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
To start I'd like to say I have a pretty good amount of drug experience under my belt. I've done a lot of shit, sometimes in moderation, other times in full blown addiction (ranging from occasional pot smoking to a full blown heroin addiction). My latest craze has been various forms of pills (hydrocodone [vicodin or vic], oxycodone [percocet or perc], oxycontin, etc.). Opiates tend to be my prerogative, where as most of my friends just smoke pot, so I tend to snort my pills by myself at night, and then zone out and listen to music. This particular night, however, was an experience I will never forget.

I prefer OC's usually, but I had 3 vics sitting in my little drug box and decided I wanted to save my OC supply and just get high on vics. Now I spent last fall on a pill binge that mainly consisted of vicodin, and one vic would typically do the trick for me. The vics I snorted on this particular night must have been much weaker than my previous supply (I'm not entirely sure on the exact amount of mg's because the pills were given to me by a friend who also was unsure). I snorted the first one in 4 quick lines at around 11:30 p.m., laid back and expected the euphoria to rush in like my previous experiences. To my surprise, it did not. I waited approx. 30 mins, and decided I'd go for another 4 lines on the second pill. Again, I waited another 15 to 20 mins with no results other than a very mild, almost non-existent buzz. Then I went for round 3. Again, I waited another 5 to 10 minutes before I felt anything at all, and then I felt a buzz. Nothing like my OC high, but a buzz enough to leave me satisfied. After another 30-40 minutes, I decided I was content enough with my high to lay down for bed.

When I'm high, I listen to music. It's my favorite thing to do. I always lean on Bob Dylan. My 'High Album' tends to be Time Out Of Mind, but since I was off to sleep, I went with a mellower record, Blood On The Tracks. I turned off all the lights, laid down with my cat, and zoned out to Dylan's soft voice. After about 5 minutes in the dark, it hit me. All of a sudden I was higher than I have EVER been (and I've been ridiculously high on all sorts of various substances). I didn't have any idea what was going on, I was borderline hallucinating. I started to dream, but the wildest part was, I was wide awake! I wasn't having any psychedelic open eye visuals, but I could see my dreams with my eyes, but they were wide open. It's very hard for me to describe this feeling. It was amazing. I could see things so very clearly, but at the same time my vision was so cloudy I probably couldn't have seen 3 inches in front of my face. I have never felt anything that strong in my entire life. It was beyond euphoric. While I was 'dreaming', I could feel my head spinning at a thousand miles a minute, but unlike the usual 'spins' that one would get from too much pot or a night of drinking beyond one's limit, this was comforting. Every time I closed my eyes I would start whirling around and around in my head. Typically this would make me nauseous and uncomfortable, but this was just an incredible feeling of euphoria.

I didn't start coming down until well after the record finished, and when I looked down, my left hand was covered in a thick coat of cat hair. I had been petting my cat for nearly an hour straight without realizing it. I did not feel sick or uncomfortable afterwards. I got up, poured myself a glass of water, and went to bed, in what I can call the most content mood I have ever been in.

This is so odd for me to be writing because I have never gotten this kind of feeling from any form of pill, much less hydrocodone (although I've noticed others have) and that surprises me because I've snorted these many times before. As I explained earlier, this was not a psychedelic experience. I was not hallucinating. It was almost as if the euphoria had taken over my entire brain in a way I've never felt before. The other very odd part about was how long it took for the effects to start. I went just over an hour and a half before I felt anything more than a slight buzz, and then BAM! I was all of a sudden the highest I have ever been. This was so far beyond surreal that I have a very hard time attempting to explain this, because my words can never do justice to the actual experience.

NOTE: I took a huge risk snorting 3 vicodin without knowing the amount of mg's I was taking. In hindsight, that could've proven to be very disastrous. While this turned out to be a very positive experience, I feel lucky that I didn't accidently overdose, and will be very careful in the future because I may not be so lucky next time.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78148
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2016Views: 6,822
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Hydrocodone (111) : Music Discussion (22), Overdose (29), General (1), Alone (16)

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