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Staring at the After Life
Citation:   Brockton. "Staring at the After Life: An Experience with DMT (exp78273)". Apr 20, 2021.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My name is Brockton, I am a 18 years old and an experienced psychedelic user although I've had experiences with most other drugs. I am all ways looking for something else to take me to the next level and dimethel tryptamine was all ways the drug of legend but unobtainable in my location. Recently I went to a festival for the sole purpose to finding this drug and obtained 2 grams of Jungle Spice DMT which I brought it back home to try and here is my story.

I traveled to a local reserve with one of my friends and my cousin. The place we picked for our experience was on some large rocks over looking a small fast moving creek being fed by the runoff from a resiviour. I will skip my friends trips since it would be impossible to accurately describe what happed to them. I start by taking the bowl out of my friends hand after he pushed off and noticed there was still a significant amount of DMT melted into the half burnt resin of the bowl that he did not finish. Instead of loading a fresh bowl I decided to place a small amount of marijuana on top of the resin and add another 10th of DMT over it.

Mentally I was very calm but excited since both my other trips had been at night and this would be my first trip in nature during daylight hours. I take my first hits holding in the smoke in for around 15 seconds each. After my second hit it begins to sprinkle and by the time I take my last hit(5th) it starts raining to hard to continue but 5 was more than I needed in the first place. I feel it coming on, getting stronger and stronger. I managed to tell my friends to go ahead and stay dry in the car and I'll be ok. As I see them walk away I think about what this will be like being completely alone but the thought diminishes quickly.

I feel the DMT rush up on me stronger than ever and I let it take me away. I close my eyes and lack back on the rock I was setting on. At first everything is dark then the first visuals I see are translucent figures of light coming out of the darkness. To my self I was thinking “oh god, I'm about to have one of those typical trips where aliens take me off and fuck me or something” but as I continue into my trip the darkness fades away and is replaced by light, brighter and brighter. The figures I see become more visible and I see their faces. They are all around me some seem like they are trying to help me while others seem to try be excited trying to tell me what seems like everything although they are mute. As I'm laying on my back not only in reality but in my trip I am helplessly looking at these anomalies I begin to hear this melody that was more beautiful than anything I've ever heard. As my trip starts to wear off I notice the rain is coming down harder than ever and I feel my entire body getting soaked but its unimportant. I begin to remember to breath as is I was meditating at this point, recalling my friend say “if your breathing your traveling.” I continue to lay traveling back through the darkness from which I came, almost like an purgatory between life and death. I could no longer see the people but the melody was still in there slowly fading away as I could here the water crashing down the stream harder and harder summoning me back to life. When I am finally able to set up and open my eyes I saw the most beautiful place and the visuals were coming off the water in the most incredible greens and blues that blew me away. As I run back to my car I feel exilerated as if I had been reborn or brought back to life. I set in my car and listen to tool as let the end of my trip wear off in silence with my friends.

To summarize my trip I would like to say it felt very natural and made me feel like that was what was real and while all other psychedelics enhance the way I live DMT is the only drug that shows me death and what is truly real. Over all the trip lasted around 15-20 minuets. After the trip I had the feeling for hours of a energy coming out of my body like it was my center shakra point, and it gave me the feeling of being completely whole and completely one with everything. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had and I wouldn't trade anything for it.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78273
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2021Views: 731
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