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Hallucinations then Great Sleep
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   ambiman. "Hallucinations then Great Sleep: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp78312)". Jan 3, 2016.

20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Okay, so to start out I'll say a little about myself. I'm 16, but started smoking pot in 7th grade. I smoked some up until my sophomore year (current year). Sophomore year I began smoking marijuana more regularly. Over the years I've also experimented with some sleeping meds, benzodiazepines and amphetamines. I never did any of them often, and have tried each only a few times (except marijuana).

I've been trying to slow down on my use of pot (which helps me sleep), so my psychiatrist prescribed me 10mg pills of Zolpidem for when I have trouble sleeping.

The experience started as a normal conversation with my girlfriend which we do on various nights. I was laying on my bed in my own room, just relaxing. My room is clean, with a few trippy posters and music posters, and has a stereo (which was softly playing modest mouse in the background). At about eleven, I figured I'd need to go to sleep soon so I decided to double my dose and take 20mg of Zolpidem instead of the normal 10 mg. I did this because I knew about the experienced hallucinations at higher doses, and it was something new to try.

T+5 min- I begin feeling relaxed and slightly sleepy

T+15 min- The feelings get stronger, yet I still can make sense talking to my girlfriend.

T+20 min- I begin to start making odd comments which aren't mean, but don't make very much sense. My girlfriend knows I've taken this and she advises me to go sleep soon, but I assure her I'm fine and continue on.

T+30 min- I begin seeing things in my room. The posters are moving on my wall, lights are bending and even thing just seems wierd. This continues on with more and more hallucinations. I begin seeing people standing at the foot of my bed. They are offering me a plate of brownies. Various people whom I know randomly appear and disappear in the room. I'm still talking to my special lady, and I'm explaining everything that's happening. She advises me to close my eyes, and when I do, I can see a different room with many random things going on it. My memory is vague as to exactly what is happening in the room. This is where my memory completely stops.

I woke up the next morning thinking I just fell asleep on the phone, but when I saw my girlfriend, she lets me know that I continued on for about fifteen minutes describing various hallucinations. I then randomly stopped in mid sentence, and was dead asleep.

Overall, I slept amazingly well, very deep with little to no hang over feelings the next morning. I normally just take the medication as directed, for sleep, but I will probably 'trip' zolpidem at least once.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 3, 2016Views: 2,669
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Alone (16)

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