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Ronald McDonald Rocking Out on Floyd
Syrian Rue & T. pachanoi
Citation:   VultureScaredSilly22. "Ronald McDonald Rocking Out on Floyd: An Experience with Syrian Rue & T. pachanoi (exp78506)". Oct 9, 2022.

2 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
To start things off, I must say I'm a pretty avid connoisseur of altered states, a genuine dyed in the wool 'psychonaut. I've tried, THC, Psilocybin Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, Ayahuasca with Banisteriopsis Caapi, DXM, Nitrous Oxide, Toulene, a vast variety of prescription amphetamines such as Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Cocaine (powder and rock), Glass, Morphine, Oxycontin, Percocet and all the other legal opiates, Alcohol, Salvia Divinorum, Kratom, Amanitas Muscaria, Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds, Hawaiian Baby Rosewood, LSA, Seraquil, Xanex, Valium, various barbituates and muscle relaxers, etc.

I've read psychedelic literature by Huxley, Leary, Burroughs, Crowley, and McKenna for some time now and have been interested in consciousness expanding techniques such as Fasting, Meditation, Yoga, Mantras, Chanting, Self-Hypnosis, Occult Evocation/Invocation, and the like for years. Alot of people would think I have a strong penchant for the bizzare but I just like to think I'm interested in the unknown...

So in the last year I have grown increasingly interested in the exotic 'legal' obscure psychedelics that I've read about, and to be honest many of them have been a disappointment. I've tried multiple vendors from all across the globe and have had a few good results, luckily though the source I got the San Pedro Cactus through was US based (No horrid Shipping fees!), and not incredibly pricy.

I received the package on my weekend, and looked up two recipes for both the rue and the cactus, the one for the rue being 'Inky's Simple Extraction Method'. I began this at 18:30 and finished at 20:30. Inky's San Pedro Prep began at 21:10 and was finished at 00:30.

I was watching Pink Floyd's Pulse dvd (which I had specifically bought for the experience) and had fasted for over 30 hours prior to imbibing the liquids. Earlier in the day I had a few whip-its and just a little bit of Ritalin.

I drank the Syrian Rue punch first because I've read that it's always best to take the MAOI first than the other substance. Despite the fact I watered the the mixture down and diluted it with punch and Sprite (just like it says in the recipe) the stuff taste absolutely disgusting though not nearly as bad as the ayahuasca I tried making a few months back. I drank about 1/14th of the total batch so by doing simple division I imagine I drank an equivalent of 2 grams via the tea.

Then came the San Pedro liquid itself... Now is a moment where I'm quite glad my anonymity remains safe, but I will say that I've drank my own urine before. Not lying no it wasn't because of a perversion or fetish, I just read that Amanitas Muscaria was filtered through the body and was much more potent when drank after said filtration. How naive I was... Now you're probably asking yourself 'what the fuck does this have to do with San Pedro and Mescaline?' well the answer quite clearly is human urine is the most analogous taste to compare the taste of the resulting San Pedro brew too, its just nasty. I tried to be a trooper though and got a cup and a half down in about fifteen minutes.

I lay on the floor listening to Floyd and about an hour passed until I started noticing the first effects. The light from the TV when it hit my eyelids started to quiver, as if it were some type of strobe light. My reason and judgment remained relatively intact, throughout this experience though (which is unusual seeing as how its almost idiosyncratic with psychedelics), there wasn't a great 'body high' or euphoria but just whimsical cerebral phenomenon. The CEV's on this took on a very fascinating nature, I notice that when on pcilocybin or DXM when I start to trip visually I tend to go into a translinguistic non verbal state. With mescaline though my mind was engaging in two parallel internal processes at the same time! I was thinking of philosophy, and of my current dissatisfaction with my current job and thinking along fairly standard conceptual levels, but on the inside of my eyelids there was a phantasmagoria of moving shapes and forms.

The most comical of which was a moment where 'Time' from Dark Side of The Moon was playing and for no reason whatsoever I had a pseudo-hallucination of Ronald McDonald jamming out to the song in perfect rhythm! These varying non conceptual visions lasted a few more hours and then I went to sleep. I have a mosaic in my room that moved in interesting patterns while I was tripping. These visions were pretty mild in comparison with lots of other forms of intoxication. That's what the real catch of this unique experience was, alot of time and work you put into it, and you just don't get alot of bang for your buck. No philosophical revelation, no genuinely spiritual/gnostic feeling, just kind of abstract and neutral.Considering the fact I order two 12-inch cuttings from the vendor and just got one cactus (I really wish they would of specified the diameter of said cuttings). I think I would have to get three times that amount to experience something that's really memorable.

No overly bizzare dreams, and a slight drowsiness the next day but nothing I would call a hangover or afterglow.

From what I've read about the Mescaline content of San Pedro, it's very hard to tell if what your going to purchase is a potent specimen or if you're getting ripped off. But for now, I think I'll save the time and effort messing around with unreliable San Pedro yields...

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2022Views: 423
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64), Syrian Rue (45) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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