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Like Spinning in Circles for Hours
Citation:   Flowers. "Like Spinning in Circles for Hours: An Experience with Baclofen (exp78730)". Jun 4, 2012.

T+ 0:00
120 mg oral Pharms - Baclofen (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 40 mg oral Pharms - Baclofen (pill / tablet)
The prescription bottle says may cause drowsiness... Major understatement if I take more than prescribed at a time. I took six 20mg tabs at 5pm then about 6pm I realized what I thought was them not working (didn't wait long enough) so I took two more tabs. By 8pm I was off the rocker staggering like an alcoholic just cant call it. I completely was dizzy out of my skull. Baclofen is a muscle relaxer that in the past I found to be very weak (Soma is the only muscle relaxer that works properly for my taste) but this time I was wasted. I am a Vietnam vet. I strongly suggest against taking 8 20mg baclofen. ok. thanks for reading... peace and love.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 78730
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 4, 2012Views: 17,119
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Pharms - Baclofen (514) : Unknown Context (20), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5)

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