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Not Your Typical Tuesday
Citation:   Reverend Green. "Not Your Typical Tuesday: An Experience with 2C-I (exp78788)". Jan 28, 2010.

20 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
At the time I was a little skeptical of trying 2c-i, only because I had dosed on 2c-e two weeks prior to my experience and had a semi-bad trip because of snorting a bit more then I should have. Trying 2c-i though was one of the best decisions I have ever made psychedelic wise. Prior to taking 2c-i I felt extremely lost, and as if I had lost all happiness in the world around me. I no longer have those same feelings.

Tuesday, May 12th.

I purchased two hits in capsule form during school, but only got one until later because I only intended on buying one. Finally 2:37 p.m. arrives and school is let out, my friend who had sold me the hits came and picked me up from school to give me the second hit and to drive me home. I got home at around 3 o'clock and started to prepare myself for the trip as I waited for my friend to come over so we could trip together. 3:30 rolls around, and my friend we'll call him 'Jay' shows up. We leave my house grabbing two coca-cola's on the way out and start to head towards the forest next to my subdivision. On the way to the forest preserve we both pop our capsules and drink out of the same coke can saving the second one for later. At this point I'm fucking ecstatic for it to kick in.

After a little more than an hour of waiting I noticed colors getting brighter, and everything gained a buzz to it. It was impossible to contain a straight face, I felt euphoric, everything in the world around me was beautiful. I was bursting with laughter over things that normally I wouldn't even laugh at. My legs felt numb and walking felt incredible, we decided to have a sit on the grass on the side of the bike path. Soon after I was lying on my back looking into the sky noticing clouds morphing together and swirling about. After a while of seeing clouds in the sky, they started to dissipate and shortly after the sky was completely clear. I then saw only what I can describe as when you take a pebble and throw it into a body of sitting water, the ripples were going inward rather than outward though and instead of it being one color(as it would in a lake or pond) it was every color of the rainbow mixing together. It looked like space had had a hole ripped in it.

We got up and started walking along the trail again determined to find where it ended. As we walked, we saw bench and sat down. The bench looked upon a very hilly area covered with long grass swaying with the wind. I felt like I was one with the swaying grass and realized that the whole world was one living being. I snapped back out of it as a bike rider rode past at a very quick pace. The bike rider wasn't just riding his bike though, the entire world was attached to the back of his bike and was pulled with him as he rode past. We decided to keep walking.

We continued to walk down the path looking at trees, watching the ground and the pebbles mixed in the black top style bike path move beneath us. Me and Jay were very much on the same trip the entire time, we didn't even need to talk to know what each other we're thinking or seeing. I felt great at this point, I really loved that I felt no nausea like I did on 2c-e.

We soon came upon a bridge with metal side rails and a wooden plank floor. This bridge was about 100 feet long across a 50 foot wide river. As we walked closer to the bridge it began to look more fascinating with each step taken. My mind was going insane it felt like 1,000,000 thoughts a second were going through my brain. Finally we we're on the bridge, it was a sturdy bridge, as I stood in the middle looking down to the other side of the bridge it began to rock. By rock I mean that one side would go up, while simultaneously the opposite side of that particular spot would go down. I noticed that what I was seeing was exactly like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse.

We continued walking, by this point we had walked close to 2 miles. It felt like nothing though, I couldn't honestly feel my legs. I had my cellphone on vibrate during this entire trip and I missed almost every call that was made to me. Everything around me was melting, I started to notice that everything was lined by thick black lines, like in a cartoon.

We were at about 2 1/2 miles when I noticed a raccoon on the side of the trail melting. I soon realized this raccoon was dead. A wave of emotion came over me, I quickly turned around and started to walk as fast as I could. Jay did as well because he had seen the same thing as I did. I felt so much emotion for this dead animal, I understood death and knew that one day, sooner or later, I would have to face death and I couldn't have been more calm about realizing that one day I wouldn't inhabit earth any longer.

We reached the end of the path, as we walked out we came upon a very busy street and realized we had walked three miles away from my house. While standing watching cars drive by, a cop car driving around 70 miles an house lights blaring drove by. It was the most intense visual trails I've ever seen on any psychedelic I've ever tried, and I'm very experience with psychedelics.

To the left of the street we noticed a pavilion and went over to it, we sat on a picnic bench and looked at the world around us. It was as if we were inside a movie theater with 8 walls playing a panoramic movie.

Soon after our friend came and picked us up, the whole car ride was a blur. Almost as if some one took a freshly done painting and smeared everything in one direction. When my friend would stop everything would smear back into order. It was crazy it felt I was going 700 miles an hour. I felt so good at this point my body felt floaty and great even after a three mile walk. My friend dropped us off at my house.

I said hi to my parents, and made my way to my basement where my room and 62' t.v. is located. We turned on the t.v. and Hustle and Flow was on, the entire time we were laughing uncontrollably watching people faces melt and listening to the incredible beats being made. Something I never mentioned is that music is incredible on 2c-i I would suggest listening to Animal Collective's album 'Merriweather Post Pavilion' and also MGMT's 'Metanioa EP' or 'Oracular Spectacular'. I felt a deeper connection then I have on 2c-i then on any other psychedelics. I honestly can't even describe how connected I felt.

The drug started to wear off, and Jay had to leave. My sister gave him a ride home because he didn't feel comfortable driving on 2c-i. I went with for the car ride and the tripping died down.

When I got home I smoked a bowl of some pretty kill weed, and I started tripping again. I would like to tell you what happened during this point, but I honestly can't remember. I fell asleep at around 3:00 in the morning. I woke up the next day at 6 a.m. feeling so great after only three hours of sleep.

Be safe in taking 2c-i and hopefully you'll have as good as a trip as I did.

Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78788
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2010Views: 9,982
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2C-I (172) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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