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An Isolated Trip
2C-E (Sold as Mescaline) & Cannabis
Citation:   McDick. "An Isolated Trip: An Experience with 2C-E (Sold as Mescaline) & Cannabis (exp79184)". Jan 17, 2010.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:56 2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have taken 2C-E twice. It was sold to a friend under the guise of mescaline, and he then sold some to me. The first time, he and I tripped and watched movies. Despite some great visuals accompanying some great movies (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, What the Bleep Do We Know?, and earlier on, the Residents' 'Icky Flix Live'), I was altogether frustrated with the lack of mental and written record of the trip. Having another vial at my disposal, and 5 hours alone, I decided to ingest around 20mg and write a brief trip report.

To ensure a very isolated trip, I turned off my cell phone and (unsuccessfully) attempted to remain offline. My mindset at the outset of the trip was optimistic and curious. I wasn't in a bad mood, but I was also very tired, and soon to be very stoned. The weather outside helped; it was a bright, clear, exemplary summer day. I live in the country in a road carved out of a forest, so there were many places for me to explore nearby my house.

The journal entries that follow were typed on a Compaq Armada 1559DMT laptop (really fucking old in 2009), so I've had to transcribe them letter by letter from the laptop to my desktop seeing as all its ports that would allow data transfer are broken or obsolete. What follows is mostly faithful from the original, save for most spelling and grammar errors (some remain). Comments, thoughts, and insight thought relevant while typing were added in brackets.

Ingesting 20mg of 2C-E crystals.

Feeling weird at this point. A tightness is present in my head, specifically in my temples. Sitting down on my front porch, I smoke a bowl of cannabis. Staring in one place too long produces flashes and distortion in my vision. [At this point, I still retained my pre-trip mindset: very calm, tired, and looking forward to the trip.]

Walked to my car, felt the tightness in my head had expanded to the bottom of my neck. My brain was experiencing a dizzy, numb, and lightheaded feeling. Feeling has overtaken my whole head now. [The drug came on in a creeping but pleasant way.] I clear my throat once and notice I can still taste the bitterness of the crystals.

Focused on the trees around my house. Parts of all of them started to bend and twist in unison. [It might've been the wind blowing them, but it really didn't look that way.] Everything is flashing and moving now. Both the ground and the keyboard are moving in waves. [Some of my best visuals were achieved by staring and focusing on one object.] It would become larger in some manner (although not related to size) and isolated in my vision; while flashes of red, blue, green, and other colors swirled in pools around it.

Walked in a circle around my house and observed the scenery. Everything looked very beautiful, the grass looked 'majestically' lit and very green and important. Very strong red, blue, green flashing in the peripheral and frontal vision now.

Very numb feeling all over the body now. Fields of vision seem to be going blue or purple. A clear, 'wavy glass' look has overcome many things. Hands have lots of detail when I look at them, they look wrinklier than usual and the hair stands out.

Jumped on the trampoline for a little while. Very stoned feeling now. Everything is flashing in my peripherals, to a kind of red or green color. All vision is started to look with green and red trails. [The trampoline was a really interesting addition to the trip. It worked up my blood and probably released some endorphins. The stoned feeling afterwards probably owes a lot to the brief excersize.]

Thoughts drifting at the moment. Always trailing off. [Somehow I was thinking about Devandra Banhart. Not sure what about him. This is a prime example of little 'subroutines' my mind would take while its thoughts wandered.] All vision is getting somewhat blurry. Mostly wavy. Picked up my guitar, then put it back down to turn on my computer and type up this journal so far on to it. [Never seemed to get around to this.]

Feeling is becoming very intense. Overwhelmingly intense. I see patterns all through my peripheral vision.

Went into the living room. Looked at my hand opening and closing. Very trippy. [My hand looked like it was constantly morphing. Because of this, when I opened and closed my hand, it didn't seem to open and close but rather to rotate in a curious way and sprout the image of a still morphing but closed hand. During this time, I meant to write in my journal something like this: 'Shadows on my hand define its mood.' This came from a time when I was watching my hand, and it appeared to give off the qualities of 'happy' or 'sad' depending on what angle I held my hand at in the light.] Watching a TV Judge show. Also very trippy, and it seems unexpected to me. It's not something I would usually watch during a trip.

Walked past a mirror. Kinda scary. Pupils were huge. [A remember hearing a sound similar to a discordant violin 'surprise note' on a movie score when I saw myself pass by. With the amount of facial hair I had amassed over the past month, mixed with a rather small amount of time spent in front of the mirror, my furriness was a surprise. I reminded myself of a scary human rodent with huge black irises. Luckily, I dared not look too deep into the mirror during this and some other parts of my trip.]

Went outside. [I put on my sandals, and with my two dogs following me, I walked around a wooded area near my house. Many trees looked much too tall. Everything was still growing. As I crossed the street, I made note of what looked to be corners not meeting at right angles as described in Huxley's 'The Doors of Perception.' Nearly everything looked near normal, save for glowing, more vibrant color schemes and a general feeling of them being 'wrong.'] Everything looked crooked at first. Found out that it wasn't really crooked, but that the proportions were wrong. Something was very wrong with the way everything looked.

Went back inside. The judge show is still on. Very relaxed feeling. I feel everything pulsate. [At this time, I was probably experiencing more of a stoned feeling than any mental effects unique to the trip. I remember being perplexed by this. My body felt complete chilled out pleasure.]

Doesn't seem like an hour since 2:46. [Extreme time dilation and the nonlinear perception of recent events were constant.] Visuals are still present. Looking back over pasts parts of the journal, I'm beginning to think they look out of order. Still a very different way of perceiving things, things still look 'wrong.' Looked at my cat squinting his eyes while asleep and probably dreaming. I made some sort of noise by adjusting myself in my chair. When he became startled and opened his eyes, each of his stripes, particularly the ones right between his eyes, seem to open and reveal similar spiderlike eyeballs. Perceived a tiger form in the wooden floor. Watched hand open and close again. The motion looked really weird. Just noticed while typing this that it is now 3:52.

I have been drawing a picture. Everything still looks so wrong. I feel very altered. I expect family members home at 5. Not looking forward to that. [The picture itself is very curious. It's not all unlike some bizarre picture I would draw, but the fine details still kinda give me the creeps and a vague sensation of what it was like imagining it on the trip. It's largely composed of a deformed lizardman with uvula-like teeth that contain upside down smiley-faces on them.]

I feel like I'm coming down. Still not sober though. A very numb, distorted feeling. Still not sure if I want to look in a mirror or not. I take a break from drawing and decide o smoke another bowl of cannabis. [I was right about the coming down, but the trip was far from over, especially after smoking this bowl. I think at this point I actually did look in the mirror. Some of the scary rodentesque features I had percieved on myself had gone away, but my near lack of irises was deeply unsettling.]

Finally retrieved cannabis from my car and go to smoke it. [I believe I smoked two bowls here, though I am not certain.]

I return. The effects of the weed come on, both its effects and the effects of the 2C-E now seem more amplified. I am once again profoundly relaxed. [Sometime around here, I became completely detached. This strikes me now as an extreme response to the isolation I was looking for when I turned off my phone. The only way I can describe it now is as if my umbilical cord to reality was snipped. I was lying in my bed stomach down with my head to the side, when suddenly something clicked and I wasn't here anymore. I felt a coldness, a distance, a peace. Slowly, and after an uncertain amount of time, my thoughts drifted and I became lucid again. This was probably one of my favorite parts of the trip.]

Depression about certain topics while thinking, visual distortions are still there. Not sure how long this will last. Expecting someone home at any time. [I turned on music some time around here, 'Let Me Love, Let Me Live' by Aphrodite's Child. The song in general aggravated me, which is strange, as I usually enjoy the song, and its climax and ending with the tempo-increasing drums pounded my mind until it felt as if physical pain were arising. I forced my self to sit through it, and the next song, 'It's Five o' Clock' bothered me also. I turned off the record player.

The depression I refer to in this entry came from my logging into myspace, only to be greeted by a message from someone that I had wronged not too long ago. I took a look at myself from what I'm sure was a third-person perspective, and realized some things about myself. The problem was, the immense depression fueled by this introspection turned itself into a motivated need to resolve the issue by sending a message of apology back. I was extremely worried that in my altered state I would be unintelligible or otherwise strange. Eventually deciding it would be for the best, and hoping it would relieve me, I sent the message of apology. Having turned my phone off to ensure as isolated a trip as possible, I was afraid to turn my phone back on in fear this person would call me and further fuel my depression and worry about the subject.]

Somewhat got it off my chest, or at least off my court. Still very altered, stoned feeling. Possibly still from the weed, but I'm not certain. I'm hoping the trip ends soon and I won't have to encounter anyone while on it. [Fortunately, the message actually worked for the best and a mutual understanding was come to. By 'off my court', I suppose I meant that I had done all I could do and it was up to the receiving party to reply.]

After that, I had a few more entries. I suppose I must have shut off my ancient laptop without saving the most recent version of the document. I spent a good while considering driving somewhere, but doubt in my driving abilities coupled with the loss of my keys at some point during the day ruined this possibility. After finally sending the message and trying to resolve the issue, I had the courage to turn my phone back on. A friend called and asked me if I wanted to hang out. I said yes, and he picked me up.

I spent the rest of the day with my friend, though I really felt by myself. I was rather unresponsive and was more often than not thinking about the trip. I was really trying to sort out the experience I had. Apart from what I wrote in this journal and the insight into the trip I get while reading it, there's no real way I can put it into words. It's extremely frustrating, but I'm getting used to it: my previous experience with 2C-E was just as confusing, though less 'mystical.' Besides the visuals and some of the specific body sensations, nothing remains stored in my mind as a memory, which is really disapointing. This drug introduced me to mindfucking ways of looking at things that I'll probably never be able to repeat, not even in another 2C-E trip.

One example in particular that I remember that I didn't chronicle at the time was when I was outside observing some gravel near my gravel driveway. The larger rocks seemed to, in a strange sort of pattern resembling a fractal, give way to the smaller, more eroded rocks contained in the middle of their elliptical distribution patterns that eventually shrunk into the sand contained in the middle. Even now I can't remember exactly what the strange pattern looked like, and the rocks don't look anything like that now.

I'll probably repeat the experience, but I'd prefer to have a different mindset. The sudden introduction of the depressing material into my trip was terrifying and humbling. At least for me, this is not a drug I can be very social on. Therefore if I am to repeat the experience, I don't want any possibility of seeing anyone but my close friends. The daytime setting was very nice and allowed for a good outdoors experience on a beautiful sunny day. I still can't pin this drug down. Even writing the report was unsatisfying, and the urge to try it again and to figure it out is more than tempting. It utterly mystifies me and I love it and despise it for this reason.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79184
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 17, 2010Views: 7,106
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