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Learning to Respect 'Not Knowing'
2C-B & Cannabis
Citation:   blamehofman. "Learning to Respect 'Not Knowing': An Experience with 2C-B & Cannabis (exp79444)". Mar 24, 2020.

1 line insufflated 2C-B
    smoked Cannabis
I'm an experienced psychedelic user. I've done a lot of LSD and a lot of shrooms, tried DXM (stupidest drug ever). That about does it for psychedelics but I also smoke a lot of weed (quality) and have been hooked on opiates (oxy) in the past. This by far blew my mind out of the water. So here it goes.

Me and my buddy J get together for winter break away from school and he tells me he can hook some DMT which is one drug I really wanted to try. Instead we ended up with 2 capsules of white powder which was told to be 2-CB. My buddies in high school used to do 2-CE so I heard of the drug. We said we were open to anything and bought them. He told us that if we wanted the drug to hit fast, we should snort it. That was our first mistake. We went to a kids house that I really didnt know that well except a couple kids there (second big mistake). Not to mention these kids were playing banjo kazooie on a big screen which had some weird circus music playing. So we lay the powder out on the table and snort it (as you can tell we didn’t think too well about this).

Minute 1: Burns like HELL. Holy shit it felt like glass in my nose. But after 30 seconds I started to feel strange. REALLLY strange.

Minute 2: Tripping BALLLLLLLS!!!! Cant believe my eyes literally. These visuals were like acid times 10!!! I was so taken back (and my body was to). By now I felt like I was just grabbed by my brain and someone threw it into a black hole of terrible chaos.
I felt like I was just grabbed by my brain and someone threw it into a black hole of terrible chaos.

Minute 5: Threw up everywhere in this kids bathroom. I can only say I was tripping off my puke and there were crazy designs all around me. I have never been this fucked up and I have taken a whole fentanyl patch on my tongue before (100 mcg). My buddy J was however having a great time. I just remember looking up at him and he starts laughing his ass off saying that I look like the most hideous creature in the world right now. (I had puke and snot all down my face) He was running outside in the snow yelling obsinities while I was lying on the floor inside watching the chemical formulas of the world come at me in molecular shapes (I'm a biochem major).

Minute 10 on: I feel like I'm rolling my balls off even though I never have done exctasy I KNEW this was what rolling felt like. But I was so terrified and feeling generally sick that I couldn’t enjoy a single minute of this hardcore mind FUCK. The kids around me were anything but supportive. Every time I would make a request or say something to express what I felt they would disregard it or look at me like I was some psyco about to kill them. I couldn’t take it anymore so I got to my feet (with some effort I might add) and ran outside in the cold snow. Outside was awesome!!!! This was when the trip turned good. I ran to my buddies parked car and he was sittin there listening to music just as fucked up. We talked about what just happened and laughed are asses off. The rest of the night we just talked and listened to TOOL.

End of trip 4 hours later: All I can say from this experience is that
1. all psychedelic drugs are different.
2. I would NEVER snort this stuff unless I knew whats going to happen to me
3. There is a reason that humans don’t know everything about the unknown/spiritual. If there is a creator, he knows that our minds would collapse under such knowledge.

I felt that I was grateful to come out of that experience sane.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 79444
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2020Views: 798
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2C-B (52) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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