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I Wish I Didn't Take Too Much
Kava (extract)
Citation:   Josh P. "I Wish I Didn't Take Too Much: An Experience with Kava (extract) (exp79632)". Erowid.org. Jun 4, 2019. erowid.org/exp/79632

T+ 0:00
  oral Kava (extract)
  T+ 0:00 6 capsls oral Kava (extract)
  T+ 0:15 4 capsls oral Kava (extract)
  T+ 0:00   oral Kava (capsule)
I decided I wanted to try some intoxicating thing that I could get for cheap. I decided that [vendor] would be a good place to go. I found two ounces for around ten bucks including shipping. It was a 40% extract that I wish I didnt take too much of. As a matter of fact I took it last night, and my tongue is still numb.
I took it last night, and my tongue is still numb.

I took some cinnamon pills that had 500 mg in them and emptied about twenty four. I had before this taken two nasty ass tablespoons and tried it with milk for some dumbass reason. The taste was so unbearable. Not about to puke, but just nasty. The closest I could get to not puking yet the most revolting taste in the world I thought.

I took six pills, felt fine and good within 15 minutes. By the time I took four more I started to feel a numbing on my tongue. Then I felt a little drunk, like the afterwards of being drunk on the comedown. Within an hour I consumed the rest.

Oh boy was that a mistake. They say there was no hangover, but I prove there is. I mean I'm still fucked up. All weak like I just did a shit ton of opana or something. It is more like something I would do to mix with pot. I wouldnt mix it with alcohol even though I have talked to some who claim they do. I said it is just like an opiate or alcohol, and I think pot would be perfect with it. Next I'm going to only do about 12 of those pills cause thats all I have left out of those two ounces I bought.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 79632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 4, 2019Views: 2,765
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Kava (30) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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