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Lets Take it Anyway
Citation:   Cannabliss1. "Lets Take it Anyway: An Experience with 2C-I (exp79703)". Jan 29, 2010.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral 2C-I
  T+ 2:00 1 capsl oral 2C-I
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
My evening started rather simply just smoking some pot and hanging around my house with my roommate. There had been some rumors of a drug flying around our little mountain town which is very accustomed to psychedelics, but I had not gotten the chance to grab any of it. Shortly thereafter my friend, we'll call him G, gave me a call and said that he had gotten some of this mystery drug and wanted to know if we were interested in it. As someone that deeply enjoys psychoactive substances, I couldn't resist.

I drove over to his dorm room and grabbed 6 little blue and white gelcaps. during the conversation we had he told me he only took one of the pills and had an incredible time. I respected his opinion as we had taken tons and tons of acid together and I knew the kid knew what a good trip was. On my way out of his room, it occurred to me I had no idea what I was about to take, so I asked him and he told me it was 2c-i. I initially thought he had been mistaken, as I have heard about 2c-b, but never this. He told me it was another analoug and that I was sure to have a good time. But I took his word for it and went on my merry way home.

By the time I got home my third roommate had arrived and there was a little bit of a crowd hanging around the kitchen counter toking and getting ready to take some ecstasy. I walked in the kitchen and handed a pill to each of my roommates a told them they should take it. They asked me what it was and I told them that G said it was 2c-i. One of the kids around the kitchen counter told me he knew some people that had tried it and had a wild time. All of the anticipation was growing inside me and I said fuck it and popped the pill.

Apparently nobody saw me do this because ten minutes later my roommates, S and J, asked me if we should do this. I told them I already had and they should hop on the fun train. They each took their pill around 8 o'clock and we all sat around and got high waiting for the trip to come in. About 9:30 I still felt barely any effects and I specifically remember thinking 'If this is the trip, then I'm gunna be pissed.' I wandered into the kitchen and me and S decided to crack open one of the pills and see what it looks like.

We busted a pill and poured its contents onto a black tray we routinely used for cocaine. We looked at what looked like many hcl salts and figured that it could be anything and maybe just some shit laced with the smallest amount of lsd. We went on the internet and looked up a picture, and it looked pretty much the same. S's mom works for a hospital so he emailed her asking what this stuff was. She called him only minutes later and told him to be careful, that drugs were dangerous, and as far as she could see it looked like it was a substance similar to really good lsd. We wandered back to the kitchen and I decided that since it wasn't kicking in I would take the pill we broke oen and parachute it. I piled the powder onto a small piece of toilet paper, folded it and it was down the hatch before anyone could tell me it may have not been a good idea. My roommates followed my que and did the same.

Less than ten minutes later I was tripping balls. It didn't seem like there was a long come up, it just felt instantaneous. I was sitting on a couch and the next thing I knew I was hugging the arm of the couch thinking that if I went anywhere or let go I would start tripping harder than I already was. Slowy but sure, even though I think I was coming up even more I began to feel more and more secure with my new state of inebriation. It was one of those situations like the first time you trip and everything seems so intense and different than you imagined it.

I was just looking around getting the most intense visuals. Everything had a greenish red halo around it and looked very cartoony. It was all sort of a combination of lsd and mushrooms and ecstasy, but nothing like combining those together. Its kind of hard to explain. At the same time I was so wide awake, much more so than an average trip, so it kind of had an amphetamine twinge to it. We spent the whole night in and around my house, seeing as it was about -15 degrees out.

We started the night by watching a movie. Happy Feet. I had never seen the movie and I had the toughest time telling if it was reality or cartoon. All the while I would get distracted from the movie and go do something else. I went into the spare bedroom in the house that had been temporarily converted into an office and looked up some information about this drug. I didn't get very far because there was nothing on the walls except paint and one little calender, so the room felt huge and pulsating and I really could't take it anymore. I decided I was going to go take a shower and try to warm up, but when I went into the bathroom I just looked at the faucet and couldn't really remember how to work it. I gave up and deicided to go get some food. At that point I still felt very cold so I put some clothes in the dryer and sat in the laundry room eating popcorn.

I came out of the bathroom and decided I was going to smoke a bowl the hopes it might relax me a bit. Wrong and excellent move at the same time. It intensified my trip so much, but at the same time almost too much. The first brief moment after smoking kind of flung me into a bad trip. I smoked a cigarette and as I was putting the cigarette out in an ashtray it began to morph and grow and start to consume my arm. The ashtray was eating me! I pulled my arm back and scurried across the room. My roommates laughed at me and then I started to see the humor in the situation, it was kind of funny.

By this time J had turned on Tokyo Drift and we all actually felt like we were asians driving cars really fast in Tokyo, it was crazy. J started flipping through the channels, and at the time we had Showtime and HBO and all those fancy channels. So while he skipped from movie to movie he landed on the Grudge. The scenery was dark and music was daunting. We all instantly began screaming. At that moment a portal to hell tore a hole through the television and I could see a dark creature beckoning me to come join him. I threw up my arms called him an asshole and ran into my room. Thats when I saw my gloves and decided I needed to go outside.

I dressed myself to the point that I could have survived an arctic expedition and walked out into the living room. S and J instantly got the idea and went to do the same. Because we were already cold because of the drug, it seemed absolutely brutal. We stood in the garage door and pressed the button to open it. It slowly lifted the door and light spilled into the driveway. For some reason this did not seem weird to us, smoking outside at 3 o'clock in the morning, talking extraordinarily loud. About halfway through the cigarettes, S looked over at the college, which you could see the roof of from our house and his jaw dropped. He just stared and pointed and then dropped his cigarette and ran inside. J and I exchanged quizzical looks and followed.

When we got back inside I found him poking his head out the back door towards the school. He told me he had seen the school lift off the ground and aliens crawl towrds our house. I told him it was jsut a hallucination and he said the he know, he just didn't want to stick around to find out that it might not be. Logical I guess.
From there the trip just seemed to take o the persona of childhood bliss. I had never felt so happy and carefree. It just seemed like all of my problems were so insignificant and that I was blowing everything way out of proportion. It was then that I was just laying on a couch thinking when S's cat, Blaze came up to me and i think he may have just yawned, but whatever was going on in my mind made it seem as thiough he was singing the lyrics to the music that we were listening to.

From there we just kind of talked, played with S's cats and smoked some more bud. We played some music and left cartoons on the t.v. on mute and the voices seemed to sync up with the movements of mickey mouse and so forth. We just hung out and started to feel ourselves come down and watched the sunrise. We were starting to go a little stir crazy because we had ran out of cigs so once we felt sober enough to drive we made a trip to the gas station. We talked about how much fun we had and how interestingly enough that was one of our hardest trips, even though we had all done 10 or more hits of acid on multiple occasions. It was truly crazy.

I found out later that the person G had gotten the 2c-i from had not really known what he was doing. He had dosed the pills out with between 40 and 50 mgs of 2c-i per pill. Even though 35mg was plenty for maximum effects. But in any case I had a great time and while two pills was intense, I will definately take this drug more if it is around.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 79703
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 29, 2010Views: 5,344
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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