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So Happy, Very Happy
Citation:   PandaDoom. "So Happy, Very Happy: An Experience with 2C-H (exp80334)". Aug 3, 2009.

15 mg oral 2C-H
0:00 Now, I am just taking 15mg out of my container in which I synthesized the 2C-H and put it on my fingertip; then let it dissolve in my mouth.

0:01 I feel excited but I know that there is nothing to be excited about. Also I am experiencing an extremely elevated mood and I am obsessing over almost everything that is out of place.

0:02 I am extremely happy and feel very hot and the air around me envelopes my skin causing a tingly sensation. I have a fast heart rate and I am sweating; everything is very funny and I laugh at almost anything.

0:05 My pupils are fully dilated and I am sweating but I am extremely happy and dance music makes me even happier. I am extremely paranoid and feel so happy.

0:10 My paranoia is extreme but my euphoria is at an all time high along with being in contact with inanimate objects which represent people.

0:15 The effects have a slow decline and my pupils remain dilated but my heart rate is back to normal but I am still very happy. I now have a headache.

0:20 I am now only experiencing a light headache but have a clear memory of everything that I did and when I think back upon it I feel happy.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 3, 2009Views: 11,857
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2C-H (492) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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