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I Figured I Could Afford to Take It More Often
Citation:   puddingstone. "I Figured I Could Afford to Take It More Often: An Experience with Morphine (exp80382)". Jul 17, 2019.

  insufflated Morphine (daily)
Morhpine's Good/Bad Side

Morphine is a great drug for anything. I have found it to be whatever I need at any time. It makes me sleepy when I need to sleep, but also makes me focused when I am doing construction work. There is not a situation I can think of where I would not want to be high on Morphine.

I have done most pills and Morphine for the price has been much more effective then anything else. Getting it cheap is the worst part though. I started taking it 10 months ago. The first 7 months I would rail about 70-100mg a week, which cost me 7-10 dollars US. After that I figured I could afford to take it more often and started taking it every day. However I did compensate and lowered my dosage a bit. Just railing a bit at a time helped me get through the day. I kept this up for three months until my contact dried up. And that really sucked.

The first day off it was not bad. The next few days were terrible.
The first day off it was not bad. The next few days were terrible.
Everyone thought I had the flu. I didn't want to admit the withdrawal symptoms to even myself, so I tried to convince myself it was the flu as well. I could not keep a meal down, had massive anxiety issues, and the worst part was my heart. It was beating so irregular I was thinking it was going to stop. It would stop beating for a bit then pump a couple times, even out, then go back to stopping. When your heart is beating like that it makes the anxiety much worse.

Have not had any pills for a month now and my body is normal again. But the Morphine still calls my name. Just thinking about it now... I would do it again, every day if I could. Even the thought of the terrible withdrawal would not stop me.

If I am high on it I will have a good time. People say Weed makes everything better, that is total bullshit. When I'm high on weed and in a bad situation it makes it a lot worse. A bad situation on Morphine is a lot easier to handle, no paranoia, or anxiety, just the cool calm.

[Reported Dose: "30-200 mg"]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80382
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2019Views: 2,065
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Morphine (211) : Various (28), Glowing Experiences (4), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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