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Citation:   Kopentac. "HPPD and GBL: An Experience with GBL (exp8051)". Oct 30, 2001.

1.5 ml oral GBL (liquid)
I have used GBL recreationally for about two years without any apparent problems. My honeymoon period with the substance was put to a quick end when I noticed that I was using it too often. I cut down my use to once every few months. So, while I am now only an occasional user, I have sometimes noticed, if the dose I use is high, or if I dose more than once in an evening, that I may get minor flashbacks for about a week after the intoxication.

Specifically, I will flash back to the psychological aspect of the GBL induced state of consciousness in between sleep and wakefullness where meaning is scrambled. I will, for example, be doing something, let's say washing a window, and suddenly, the meaning of what I am doing will get 'weird'... why am I doing this? what is this about? A brief blip in continuity, a memory tunnel to a confused GBL state, lasting so briefly that it in no way impairs what I'm doing, but just passes over me like a shadow, and is then gone. I'll get a few of these after an evening of doing GBL, and then they just dissapear. Not scary, but disconcerting nontheless, and making me want to use this substance even more infrequently.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8051
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 30, 2001Views: 21,999
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GBL (89) : Health Problems (27), Post Trip Problems (8), Alone (16)

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