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Mild, Anti-Anxiety High
Citation:   Dabble. "Mild, Anti-Anxiety High: An Experience with Valerian (exp80606)". Aug 23, 2009.

360 mg smoked Valerian (roots)
I tried smoking valerian root pills (90mg extract, .8% valerenic acid) today through a bong. Had about 4 or 5 pills/bowls in a 6 hour time span. Would define it as a very mild high, much like skunk weed, but more relaxing than compared to the stoned high. Smoking it is much more pronounced than oral administration. I don't get tired from valerian at all, which is one of its main uses. I use it more as an anti-anxiety, than a sedative, probably since I take benadril regularly to induce sleep. It's kinda harsh but bearable in a 'water pipe.' High lasts about 5-15 minutes, any kind of weed is definantly more potent than valerian root but if I have no access to weed this is a legal alternative. Not great but it's something.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80606
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2009Views: 49,425
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Valerian (48) : General (1), Alone (16)

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