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So Much Further to Explore
by mike
Citation:   mike. "So Much Further to Explore: An Experience with DMT (exp80708)". Jul 2, 2018.

  smoked DMT
This was my first psychedelic experience. I have rolled on molly before and thats about it, but my curiosity with the universe and life in general couldnt keep my from trying dmt. A very good friend of mine told me about it several months back and he has a bunch of experience with psychs. (has done dmt a bunch of times as well). After about 2 months of solid research, I felt I was ready to take the plunge.
After about 2 months of solid research, I felt I was ready to take the plunge.

I should note that I tried it a day earlier and was completely unsuccessful due to the way I smoked it.

Setting: my basement under mood lights with trippy trance music.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
I smoked out of this cool little invention that I think is easier to smoke this substance from than say a pipe. We did not weigh anything out, just loaded a decent amount into it and I began to light it. I thought after a few minutes that I had misfired again cause I only felt that slight body load. After gathering my thoughts, I lit whatever melted liquid was left into a thick vapor. I took in this hefty plume and could tell that this was definitely a solid hit. I held it in for a long time and was instructed by my friend to just stare real hard. This almost was like pushing a button to initiate the ridiculous sequence of events that would follow. I did not hear that vibrating frequency people talk about, but I felt it for sure. My body vibrated intensely. I felt like I was being ripped in two different directions. At the same time, interesting patterns started to form in my peripherals, but not so much directly in front of me. They were so small and intricate. I was keenly aware of myself though, despite not being able to move and just completely entranced. I was somewhat confused as to why I wasnt able to see wild visuals with my eyes opened so I closed them. The show began. I was greeted by an intensely bright light/pattern. It was green and yellowish. I have never seen these shades of green before in my life. There I was, bouncing around dmt hyperspace at the speed of light, and loving every damn second of it. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that a tear streamed down my face. I could not believe what was going on. I snapped out of it pretty quickly, only being out for maybe 2 minutes tops. I darted up and just kept sayin what the fuck!!!. My body was wack, and I laughed while looking at my carpet cause it was moving and more colorful then I had remembered. Absolutely wild

Final thoughts: This was incredible, I cannot wait to do this again because now I will really focus on paying attention to the details and visuals instead of being so overwhelmed by the feeling. The break was not entirely clear but it will happen one day. I have only scraped the surface of this awesome and powerful drug and plan to explore much deeper into the wildly chaotic but beautiful universe they call dmt...

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80708
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 2, 2018Views: 1,079
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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