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A Very Sleepy Day
Citation:   Seismic. "A Very Sleepy Day: An Experience with Heroin (exp80793)". Sep 15, 2017.

1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
I was eighteen years old when I had fallen out with my old friends and started to hang out with a different crowd. A girl I had known my entire life, R, and I had just become reacquainted, and she had invited me to hang out with her, her boyfriend E, and their friend F.

It was summertime and E said his parents weren't going to be home until the early evening, so we could all go over to his house and hang out. I had known that E and R were experimenting with heroin and that F was the dealer, and despite all of the terrible things I had heard about it, I figured there had to be something good about it since my friends were so keen on doing it. I figured I would try it once, just to feed my curiosity.

We were all sitting at E's house, and I'd bought a bag for $10. F split it into three lines for me; I started with one, and left the other two for later.

About three minutes after I snorted it, I felt very stoned. I was comfortable on E's couch and I had no desire to get up. I felt almost as if I were sinking into the couch and I hadn't felt so relaxed in a long, long time. A movie was on television and I found it very hard to focus on it because I kept catching myself nodding off.

E's parents were going to be home soon, so I snorted another line and put the other one back in the baggie. We decided to go the skate park and snort the rest.

I'd snorted a line at the skate park, and I saw a friend there who I hadn't seen in a while. He tried talking to me, but I was falling asleep as he tried. Suddenly, I felt very sick. I excused myself and ran into the forest next to the skate park and threw up for a solid five minutes.

I ended up doing heroin a handful of other times after that, until I discovered that even though it didn't feel that great, I kept wanting to do more. I found myself physically addicted to it after those few times, and ended up going through some nasty withdrawals trying to ween myself off of it. Overall, I would say the high that comes from heroin isn't at all worth the risk it entices.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80793
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 15, 2017Views: 2,464
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Heroin (27) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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