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Vitamin V
by Bman
Citation:   Bman. "Vitamin V: An Experience with Midazolam (exp80907)". Jun 28, 2011.

10 mg IV Pharms - Midazolam
I was given a dose to sedate me slightly for a short procedure with no pain killers (other than lidocaine). The procedure was injections directly into the nerve roots in my spine. This is VERY painful, but with versed, it wont bother me a bit.

So, about the actual drug. Each month I go for an injection and they poke and prod until they find a suitable vein, and then the doctor comes in and gives me a bit of versed. When it hits me, a wave of warmth and relaxation crashes over my body, it feels incredible. It certainly is a rush, but the rush is FAR different from that of an opioid such as dilaudid or heroin. It is a good rush still, just very different. The feeling post rush is much more intense than other benzos taken orally. The drug is better than IV valium, but I'm not sure if its better than other IV'd benzo's.

Overall, its incredible. The only downside is the extremely short half life (about 2 hours and it wears off).

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80907
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 28, 2011Views: 12,998
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Pharms - Midazolam (435) : Hospital (36), Medical Use (47)

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