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A Legal Nonharmful Fix
Citation:   Snuffer. "A Legal Nonharmful Fix: An Experience with Tobacco (exp80949)". May 5, 2019.

  insufflated Tobacco (dried)
This is my experience with nasal snuff. Not to be confused with the snuff you chew.

It's dry and powder like. I place a pea size amount pinch between my index finger and thumb and lighlty sniff. I don't snort it or I'll get a head rush. The first few times I felt a burning sensation that lasted a few seconds. After that I feel a sense of clarity and energy.
I feel a sense of clarity and energy.
I usually sniff anywhere from 2 to 4 pea size amounts a day depending on my mood.

Nasal snuff comes in a variety of scents. My favorites are swiss chocolate, rasberry menthol, vanilla, rose, and sweet scotch. Since I have been sniffing snuff my vision has improved slightly, my appetite has decreased, and I no longer need to take sinus medicine. Also my anxieties have subsided a great deal. I did alot of research on the product even going to snuff message boards. Many people have said the same thing that snuff has helped them with their nicotine cravings and also had some benefits to their health such as I.

That's not to say that nicotine is good for you. In small quantities it has done me a world of good. However I would not do large quantities of it though. It is still a stimulant drug. A little goes a long way.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 80949
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: May 5, 2019Views: 1,025
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Tobacco (47) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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