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Tranquilizer Tea
Passion Flower
Citation:   Secret Shaman. "Tranquilizer Tea: An Experience with Passion Flower (exp8099)". Jul 14, 2001.

5 leaves oral Passion Flower (tea)
I had read about passionflower having some tranquilizing proporties in a 'legal High' book, which sparked my curiosity as to whether it was true. The article said to obtain anywhere from 3-20 passionflower leaves and make tea with them. So I looked up a nursery in the phonebook and gave them a call. I informed (told) them that I was a highschool student doing an experiments on different plants to determine which plants had a higher concentrations of chlorophyl. The store manager was more than happy to supply me with free passoinflower leaves. I took them home and made a tea by placing 5 leaves in a small pot of boiling water. I boiled them five minutes and then turned off the heat and let them steep for another 20.

After that I poured out the tea into a cup and drank it (on empty stomach). It tasted suprisingly good, it had sort of a sweet fruity taste. I sat around for about a half hour and then I began to feel sluggish and tired. Well that eventually overpowered my will to stay up and feel like I had taken 50mg of vallium. So I dozed off rather fast and easily into a state of vivid, lucid dreaming. I was asleep for about 5 hours and woke up able to recall my dreams and quite refreshed. I now use this plant if I want some fun dreams or If I need to get a good night rest. But it doesn't have much use as a 'party' plant.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8099
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2001Views: 54,729
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