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Birthday Roll
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   iluvmybf. "Birthday Roll: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp80991)". Jan 24, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco  
So it was my birthday, I was turning 19 this year. My bf suggested that I take some e, at first I was skeptical but my curiosity got the best of me so I decided to go through with it. At this point of our relationship we had been going out for about 4 months and the first couple of months had been pretty rocky and I felt as if he had not really let me into his life, but that was all about to change.

It was about 10:00 pm when we got the pills and we both took one pill each. We went back to his dorm and he explained to me what was going to happen and also told me not to expect anything but just to let it happen on its own, not knowing by what he meant I just went with the flow of things trying to focus on other things going on. And hour passes by and I still feel nothing, my bf however is telling me how he feels “amazing”, he kisses me and tells me that my lips feel really good. I really have no idea whats going on since the ecstasy hasnt kicked in for me yet. Its 11pm, he decided to give me my other pill, so he mashes it up for me and puts it on the back of my tounge and then goes to take his own.

We leave for the hookah bar with a couple of friends, as I walk outside I notice how many lamps there are outside and tell my bf, he smiles knowingly and tells me that its finally kicking in. We start walking and by the time we reach our other friends dorm I can really feel the e starting. Our friend offers us gum, to which my bf gets really excited, after I start chewing I know why. Chewing had never felt so good!

As we continue our walk to the hookah lounge from the university I feel my first peak. We were walking over a highway and it was soooo intense, my bf held me close and we started to talk and walk together. Talking had never come easier, we were really talking and not just about stupid stuff, more on the emotional level, it was crazy. Our friends think were crazy by now, since I kept giggling and we were whispering to each other, but we could care less, me and my bf were in our own little perfect world. We go to the hookah bar, only to realize that I had left my ID back at the dorm. My friends got mad at me, which had crushed me and made me really sad, sadder than I needed to be, but I realized it was the e-motions and not really me and cheered up. Me and my bf decided to go back and get my ID (best decision ever). We started to walk back and we started pouring out everything to each other. I asked him about concerns I had, which I was too shy to bring up before, but e made everything so, so EASY.
I asked him about concerns I had, which I was too shy to bring up before, but e made everything so, so EASY.
He was quick to comfort me and reassure me that he loved me and my concerns quickly vanished. We didnt realize this but as we were walking back to our dorm we would randomly stop at a place and just talk for several minutes until frat boys honking at us would bring us back o reality. What had felt like 5 minutes to us was really 2 hours, and our friends were pissed and had told us that they had left the hookah bar, but we went back anyways. My bf drove back, and enjoyed the experience very much. He had never driven while he was on e before. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
So we finally got to the hookah bar once again and there was this amazing music playing and while I was smoking the hookah I was peaking once again and really understood why it was called “rolling”. My eyes felt like they were going crazy for seconds at a time and the music was getting sooo good. I really really wanted to dance, so I got up and started dancing, everyone was staring but I really didnt care, my bf is sort of shy, but I made him dance with me too. He quickly sat down again so I started to dance for him, and drew more eyes on me. Finally I was tired so I decided to sit down and smoke some more, after we were done with hookah we stopped by a gas station for some menthol cigs, ice cream, lemon and berry amp. Me nor my bf really like tobacco, but we smoked a little out of the menthol cigarette, the ice cream tasted amazing when we passed it from mouth to mouth, but the lemon amp was too much to handle. It was way too lemony we couldnt drink it just yet.

We got back to my dorm, took a shower, which felt amazing, and started to cuddle in my bed. Our night had been amazing, we had learned so much about each other that we had not in so many months. We kissed and really just loved each other the rest of the night. Words cannot explain the rollcoaster we had just been through, simply put it had been perfect.

Now we have been going out for 8 months, almost 9 and me and my bf are inseparable. I do not want to say that we are together and so much in love because of ecstasy, but it provided as a catalyst for our relationship. We have only taken it once throughout our relationship, but that time was enough to make us appreciate and love each other even more. If we never took it again I would still be in love with him because I can look back at that experience and remember how good it felt, feels being with him.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80991
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 24, 2019Views: 2,029
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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