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Let Go, My Ego
Citation:   Coyote. "Let Go, My Ego: An Experience with 2C-I (exp81125)". Jun 7, 2018.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
15mg 2c-I were dissolved in a large glass of water and swallowed at 10:30 P.M. I had eaten a moderate dinner three hours before ingestion of the 2c-I. The environment was a comfortable apartment with two close friends. My mindset was positive and anticipatory. As far as psychedelics go, I have had experiences with morning glory, and mushrooms. I was not on any other medication at the time.

I began to feel the effects at around the one hour mark. The 'speedy' or chemical aspect of the drug was immediately apparent. I felt the urge to move, speak rapidly, with some involuntary muscle twitching in my legs. I laid down and used some relaxation and breathing techniques, which seemed to slow my heightened heartbeat. If I focused on the ceiling, I began to see shifting patterns in the paint, but the visuals could have easily gone unnoticed if I hadn't looked at a repeating pattern. I felt very clear- headed; it was much easier to think clearly and communicate than on mushrooms. In fact, the drug had very little presence other than the rather speedy body-load.

Around +1:30 we smoked a few bowls of cannabis. This propelled me to the next level. I walked into the kitchen and immediately went into ego death. This is a feeling more than anything. I had gotten glimpses of what ego death would be like from mushrooms and in particular nitrous oxide combined with cannabis. This feeling could have easily propelled me to a bad trip, but I was prepared and went to talk to my friends. My friend, who had also taken the 2-ci, and I developed an almost psychic communication that is common when we trip together. We talked for a long time about the limits of communication, and how there was always 'That Thing That You Can't Say,' that is related to the feeling of ego death. I felt like we needed a new language. We decided for the non-tripping friend should be a kindergarten teacher, so in this new state we could learn how to live and communicate authentically. We realized the true nature of 'The Game' and how we are playing it every moment of our lives. 'A teacher reminds his Students that the Game is Now.' Everything is Now, and Everything is Perfect. At one point I momentarily reverted to a five-year-old version of myself. We then went into a dark room to see where it would take the trip. I somehow went deeper into ego death. 'I' was simply an observer watching myself talk and move around. The feeling remind me of childhood; the ability to lose one's self completely in an activity. Later, I was touching a cloth and suddenly I realized that I was no longer feeling the cloth as a coherent object, but as a group of loosely connected particles. Everything I touched was no longer solid but was made of particles. This was fun, but uncomfortable when I tried to rest. The chemical made it impossible to sleep that night, but luckily I wasn't too tired the next day, with the extent of the side effects being a mild headache.

Overall I enjoyed the experience, but not the substance. This dosage produced a ++ throughout the trip. 2c-I has a very 'transparent' feel to, almost so much that I can forget I am tripping, but still under its influence. Additionally the body-load was unpleasant coming down. This substance requires me to be willing to engage it creatively; the more effort I put in, the more interesting my trip will be. I would definitely try a larger dose next time, and during the day with sufficient time to come down.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81125
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 914
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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