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Interfering With Other Drugs
Abilify & Various
Citation:   Bigredox. "Interfering With Other Drugs: An Experience with Abilify & Various (exp81238)". Jan 7, 2017.

20 mg oral Pharms - Aripiprazole (daily)
  60 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
  400 mg oral Pharms - Trazodone (daily)
    smoked Cannabis  
  5 g oral Mushrooms  
I take only a small dose of abilify daily (10 mg). I also take 60 mg of citalopram hydrobromide, 400mg trazodone (to sleep only), with the occasional darvocet. I’ve noticed no nausea when smoking pot, good homegrown and strong, as some have reported while taking abilify. What happens to me is that I get a major head rush with every toke. My eyes cloud over and I lose muscle control momentarily. It’s really a nice feeling. I can’t seem to get stoned, though, and that’s turning me off on pot.

At a mushroom party recently, I ate 5 g of good boomers, my gf had 7, and the other 6 people had 4 g or less each. Everyone tripped balls but me. I laughed quite a bit, and had none of my usual side effects (eyes watering, nausea, etc.) except for blood-red eyes.

I also do a small amount of speed about twice a month (only about 250mg) by smoking it. I get a similar head rush as when I smoke pot but its more intense, doesn’t include the loss of muscle control, and does make me nauseous.

These issues with my prescription drugs and recreational drugs began when I added the abilify to my regimen and have continued for just over a year now with seemingly no ill effects. My only complaint is that I can’t get really high on anything anymore.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Jan 7, 2017Views: 3,851
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Pharms - Aripiprazole (422) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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