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Painful, Feel Like I Am Going to Die
Unknown (Product - 'Hypnotic')
Citation:   Bios ApexX. "Painful, Feel Like I Am Going to Die: An Experience with Unknown (Product - 'Hypnotic') (exp81522)". Oct 8, 2009.

T+ 0:00
  oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   oral Vitamins / Supplements (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 2 tablets oral Unknown  
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral Unknown  
  T+ 2:00 1 tablet oral Unknown  
One day I was very bored getting some fish and chips at the local Chinese shop. I went across the road to a dairy to get a red bull (I had already drunk three that day). While inside the shop I saw a rack of legal highs (Common in New Zealand but the shop has since removed them). I asked their effects and picked one out called 'hypnotic' It said on the packet that it was a relaxing yet high energy buzz. I pick my fish and chips up and went home.

8:00pm - I take 2 pills and play battle field for about an hour. No effects.

9:00pm - I take 1 more pills. No effects.

10pm - Feeling like I had been scammed out of $20 I take another pill. Then after about an hour I feel very relaxed like everything is so soft and content.

10:30pm - I feel I can do everything better! I start doing the house work. Then I feel I cannot breath I feel like I am going to die. I talk to my friend on MSN he tells me to take a walk. I try breath fresh air. It comes in waves I feel fine then like I am going to meet my death.

11:00pm - I get help from my mum tells me the same thing to relax and wont drive me to the emergency room.

2:00am - She drives me to the emergency room because I cannot walk and am crying out in pain and screaming that I am dying. I legitimately feel like I am going to die. I begin to relax in the car then I start having muscle spasms. At this point I cannot breath (We are about 5mins away from the E.R)

I am placed in a wheel car in the E.R and left in the waiting room. I feel relaxed now and safe. I begin to sober up. I am checked out and sent home at this point everything seems slow and time seems freezed. I stumble to my room and try sleep everything is spinning around slowly. I wake up about 12 times during the night feeling like I am dying. I power vomit 4 times.

For about 3 days after the experience I felt very depressed and 'odd' sort of out of place not myself. I just wanted to be with my girlfriend and loved ones I had a new outlook on life felt that I would never use drugs again ( A week later I used san pedro)

It would have had to been the worst experience of my life and left me with anxiety issues for months later.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 81522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Oct 8, 2009Views: 6,292
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Unknown (120) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5), Overdose (29)

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